A devil

"No, you are mistaken." I waved my hand in a disapproving manner. "There is nothing going on between me and the Crown Prince. I barely even know him."

"Oh? Someone told me that your faces were quite close at one particular moment." she said as she leaned forward and traced the sides of the teacup.

"A complete misunderstanding on that 'someone's' part," I sighed, thinking that this situation was unbelievable. "His highness was merely asking if I was okay."

"Hmm, is that so?" Althea breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, since I am already here I might as well tell you in advance, Rosa girl. Stay away from him, I will be Crown Princess." This time, her eyes bore right into mine.

It took everything in me not to roll my eyes. Confronting jealous girlfriends was a waste of time. If I had only known that she came here for this reason, then I should have ignored her countless pleas for a meeting.

"Look, I just want to clarify—I am not even the least bit interested in the title. Keep it to yourself, I don't want it." Even the name itself sounds like a hassle.

"Right, you probably don't want to." Then the sides of her lush lips curled, forming a sweet smile. She stood up and walked to my side. I lifted my head to follow her gaze. "Hand me your arm."

My brows met in utter confusion. What is this girl planning?

Althea impatiently grabbed hold of my right arm and turned it over so that my palm would show. She was fast, before the moment I could pull back, the girl had already used a small knife to cut a long straight line on my skin. Blood started to leak. I let out a hiss and attempted to stand. I didn't expect her to hold me down on the shoulder with her free hand.

"Shush, you don't want it to hurt more than it already is now, do you?" As she smirked, I only sat stupidly while looking up at her, mouth gaping in shock and horror. "Stay put."

Red liquid had already started dripping on the floor. I winced at the burning sensation on my skin. I tried my best not to shake. This girl is crazy, why didn't anyone warn me beforehand?

Althea's gaze went back to my bloodied arm. The next thing she did was completely unbelievable. She traced her fingers on the wound. The skin was as if it was glued back together when she touched it. During the process, it was rather tickling. But my wound was gone and only the blood was left.

My arm was finally free of the young lady's grasp. I stared at it as if it was a complete mystery. "Healing magic?" I stood up and looked at her as she wiped her finger that caught a hint of blood with a handkerchief.

She turned to me with narrowed eyes. "Much of an idiot, aren't you? Did you see a stupid light glowing from my hands earlier?" Althea dropped the handkerchief on the table in the most elegant way possible. "My talents lie somewhere else. The high priests think I'm a saint. The old farts from the council see me as an abomination, a monster—a whole different creature. Not that I care, anyway."

"So you came here to tell me this…?"

"What? No. I came here to tell you that the kingdom doesn't need another saint or whatever. That's why," She stabbed a finger to my chest, her face grew grim and dark. The air around her turned heavy. "I'm doing you a favor by telling you to keep your head low. And stay away from Alistair. You saw what I'm capable of, right? I can hurt you a million times without letting you die that you'd wish for death to come pull you out of your misery."

I gulped. Shivers crept up on my spine as I failed to come up with a reply. I took a few steps backwards, not letting her touch me for another moment.

The gorgeous girl only let out a subtle laugh, making the previous innocence seep back into her face. It was like the psychotic person who threatened me never existed at all. Althea swept her green gown before taking a white Teleportation Shard from her pocket. Her lips tugged on one corner as she looked at me for the last time. Then she was gone.

I didn't realize that I hadn't been blinking, I never missed doing it this much. I tried to lean on the table for support as I clutched my heart. My legs were trembling so hard, my heart ran faster and faster with each second that passed.

What was that about? I take it back, she's not crazy—she's more than that: a devil. How could a person like that exist?

I jumped even at the faint sound of the door opening.

"There you are. They said you'd be here—and another person, but guess she's gone." Sein was all smiles while walking towards me; his silver hair glinted upon the noon sun. As he got closer the smile turned into a frown. "What's wrong? You're mad sweating."

I drew a large breath. "Something happened." I was finally able to sit back.

Sein's brows disappeared into his bangs. Then his eyes went to the handkerchief on the table. "Whose blood is that?"

"Mine." I answered as I rubbed my forehead. "But the handkerchief belongs to another person."

"Althea" Her name sounded so pure. "That crazy girl, she just cuts open anyone who comes close to the Crown Prince- wait… then that means you met him? How?"

"Briefly, yes, only at the palace." I lied.


"It's a long story."

"I don't mind listening to one."

I stared at him with full curiosity. Sein only grinned. Somehow, he had managed to take the other chair and placed it in front of me. He must've noticed the blood on my arm because he took the handkerchief from his vest pocket and started an attempt to wipe them off.

"I can do it-"

"Allow me." He snickered slightly. 'Cute' I almost said. "Just relax. You've probably had it rough." His hands were already caressing my arm. Sein's touch was cold and soothing, like always.

I sighed and slumped on the chair. "Tell me about it."

"No, you tell me." His voice came out calm but refreshing, just like a sea breeze on a summer day.

What was that thump on my chest just now?