The Khlorisian Temple

Through the yellow Teleportation Shards, we found ourselves standing in a circular raised platform in a concrete-walled building. The light bulbs gave out a golden tint to the white interior of the surrounding. There were other platforms lined everywhere where men and women in lavish clothing appeared magically, and if they ever brought any luggage, there were people dressed in navy blue and white uniforms to help them. This place was like a tourist-receiving center—or maybe it was.

"Why didn't we just go to the Temple directly?" I whispered to Sir Alaric as we trudged down the steps one by one.

The Duke was walking ahead while being accompanied by the other knights. He stopped when he was greeted by some personnel.

"Hmmm, I don't know why but people needed to walk to the Temple District from here." said Sir Alaric when we came to a halt to wait for the Duke to finish talking.

Another shadow appeared beside me. "It's to not disturb the holiness of the place, young lady."

I just nodded in understanding. My eyes went to the double doors where people went out and saw the signage with bold letterings that read "Arrival Station VI".

"You sure do know everything, don't you, Roan?" teased Sir Alaric with a smirk.

The yellow-haired knight rolled his brown eyes. "I do not. It's a common knowledge that even a child would know."

I ignored their continuous bickering as my eyes scanned the place even further. Nevertheless, wherever I looked, it was like a medieval train station that specifically caters to the higher class.

No one seemed to have spared the bandaged girl even the slightest glance.

"Calla, let's go. And stay beside me." I turned back to my father who approached me in his black and violet attire. He wore the same light-blue silk cloak as all the knights we brought, including me. The cloak bore the House Crest on the back.

"Yes, father." I said as I caught up to him, the knights flanked behind us.

As we got out of one of the many Arrival Stations in Florium, the Southern Capital City, a world full of large buildings and bustling carriages began to unfold. The city lamp posts glowed brighter than the moon in different colors under people wearing high quality fabrics while drinking and partying on the streets, the loud orchestra music from a nearby theatre house, the aroma of roasted beef that escaped from the expensive-looking restaurant just across the road— all of this seemed to have ignored the gloom that comes along the nighttime.

It didn't take me long to realize that we were in the richest business district in the whole empire of Helianthus, where the biggest trades and dealings take place. This was the place of endless opportunity—a city that never sleeps.

I followed my father's lead as we walked down the streets past more lively chatters and structures of lavish exteriority. And of course, past the countless pots of sunflowers which were either on the sides of the streets or were hung up on the walls. I had also spotted a number of red flags that had the white outline of a sunflower between two cascading mountains—the empire's flag.

It only took a few walks before we arrived to an enormous golden gate in front of a brick-walled building with a golden dome as its roof. The cold wind blew past my wrapped nape which was swept clean because of my braids. It made me huddle my cloak around me even more.

A mere thirty seconds was all it took for a man in brown priest's robe to come running down the steps of the temple. He hurriedly opened the gate for us, pulled it to his direction and immediately dropped into a low bow.

"My grace," said the still-panting priest, head still low. "We have been waiting."

"Sorry to keep you waiting." said the Duke in a dry tone.

The knights behind me snorted. I looked back at them and their heads immediately turned away. Except Sir Roan, who only kept a straight face, while Sir Alaric pressed his lips holding in a laugh. The other knights were still trying not to let out some snickers.

I faced front once more and found the Duke and the priest already taking the steps towards the temple. I made sure to catch up and once I had, the middle-aged priest with a thin beard turned to face me. He looked at me from head to toe before facing my father.

"Is this the one?"

"Do you see someone else?



Then I heard another quiet fits of sniggering from behind me. I sighed, feeling a bit of pity to the poor priest who was treated with such hostility.

As we passed through a wooden door that was carved with seemingly ancient symbols, a nearly blinding light occupied my eyes. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the brightness. The insides of the temple screamed every bit of holy and spiritual.

We continued to go deep into the temple. Gold and silver tapestries with images of Khloris and a variety of flowers hung upon the smoothened brick walls that were a pastel shade of white. The diadems from the chandelier on the domed ceiling gave a kaleidoscopic effect to the beige tiled floor, while the wooden columns that seemed to follow us were carved with the different flowers that each region relied upon.

We stopped in front of an altar decorated with different colorful flowers.

"Please wait here for a while, my grace."

The priest left no room for an answer as he scurried to another wooden door.

"Careem, is that you?"

A man of middle-age dressed in noble clothing came out from a passageway. He had dull orange hair and a relatively large stomach.

"Alden, my friend, you look well. How have you been?" said the Duke in a cheerful manner as soon as he recognized the new person.

"I've been good, really. I haven't seen you in years but you look more dashing! Do you ever get old?" The man cracked out a laugh as he clasped my father's shoulder.

"Spare me the jokes. I tire of them already." The Duke was shaking his head but he was smiling. "So, why are you here?"

"Keep this between the both of us, alright?" The man said in a hushed voice, but was enough for me to hear.

I trailed my eyes to the ornaments that decorated the altar as I pretended not to listen.

"Business has been bad lately. Wagons disappear in the middle of the night with no traces whatsoever. And if they don't disappear, they come out empty in the morning, all the goods swept away."


"No, I don't think so. I placed guards for night watch but everything is still gone by the next day."

"An inside job?"

"I considered it, but crossed it out as a possibility right after."

"What makes you so sure?"

"It's because I wasn't the only one who experienced this."

"And you sought the temple for help?"

"Well yes," I saw the man's eyes look left and right before answering. "They claim to be experts of the paranormal, so I figured to give them a try."

Then the both of them laughed.

I felt a pang hit my head. "My child," the familiar divine voice resonated in sweet echoes inside my mind. "Come to me."

A hand landed on my shoulder. I realized that I was already wincing and clutching my head from the pain.

"Young lady, are you alright?"

It was Sir Roan's voice but it sounded bleary.

"I-I'm fine." I heaved in a deep breath and tried to stand straight.

"Are you sure?" asked Sir Alaric. "Young lady, do you have another illness? You get a headache whenever I'm with you."

"Well, you are a pain to be around with."

Sir Alaric gave Sir Roan a menacing glare.

I furrowed my brows at the two men. "Stop that, both of you." I sighed. "I don't have any illness, this is only the second time-"

My hands landed on my head again as the woman spoke once more. "Come. Follow the sound of my voice."

"Are you really alright, young lady?" Sir Roan's face registered concern.

"Yes," I turned to the Duke who was still chatting merrily with his friend. "J-just need some fresh air."

Both knights looked like they had more to say but I shot them a pleading look which gave them no choice but to oblige.

I leaned on the walls for support as I walked away. I allowed my feet to lead me to the owner of the prickling, but beautiful voice.

Finally, I will be able to know who you are. Now, reveal yourself.