Birthday banquet

My father and I sat on a raised platform that overlooked the Red Rose Banquet Hall. Ten ridiculously long tables lined up at the center. The sea of people was undeniably enormous. From here, they looked like little shiny ants.

Every visitor whether noble or commoner had to go through a special inspection to prevent anyone from bringing a flower that could endanger my health. Even with what the name of the hall implied, all the red roses that decorated the place were only mere illusions casted by hired wizards. I found it incredibly petty and I felt bad for the people, but everyone had no choice. Although, if High Priest Marcus' theory was correct, and if I use the Pure Light a number of times, I should be able to get rid of this allergy.

I scanned the whole area but I couldn't spot out the person who wore a wizard's robe.

My father rose from his seat beside me. The atmosphere gradually went into a hush.

The Duke cleared his throat before speaking. "Tonight we celebrate the fourteenth birthday of my beloved daughter. But allow me to tell everyone here that this is also a gathering to commemorate the start of a new era in the East. We have faced countless challenges throughout the years but we shall rise back once again to redeem our names." He raised his glass goblet towards the people. "Now, revel to your heart's content!"

The crowd roared with laughter and cheers. With just that, the banquet hall became much livelier. I marveled at how my father had instantly boosted the aura of the place.

As soon as my father went back to his seat, he gave me a nod.

Someone cleared his throat very loudly from beside us. "It is now time for the first dance of the night."

The head butler, Karl, turned to me. "Young lady, if you may?"

I smiled at him and stood up. Sein was already standing by the steps of the platform. My heart rang louder.

I descended from the steps and went to the silver-haired boy who wore a tranquil expression.

"You look beautiful." he mused once I stopped in front of him.

He wore the same white as I had. The ends of his sleeves and trousers were the same gradient effect as my gown. Silver buttons lined his tunic that was embroidered with his family crest. He wore a cross-shaped earring on his left ear. Just the sight of him made me blush.

I grinned at the pretty boy. "You don't look too bad yourself."

The people had already formed a semi-circle around us. Then the orchestra started playing.

Sein offered a hand. "Can I have this dance?"

"It's my honor."

I placed my hand on his. He pulled me close and took a step towards me. I held a breath as his other hand landed on my waist, maybe I am still not used to this level of closeness after all. After I placed my hand on his shoulder, the both of us started to sway our body along the sweet-toned music.

"You're getting better at this." He chuckled lightly.

His graphite eyes were locked on mine.

"It's thanks to you always taking the lead."

"Oh do I now?"

He guided me through a turn and caught me in his arms perfectly. Our noses were incredibly close.

I heard some women from the sides squealing and whispering.

"That's the young master of the West, isn't it?"

"I think so. Do you think they're a couple?"

"Maybe, they seem so comfortable with each other."

"And they're wearing matching outfits."

"They do look good together."

"My ship is sailing."

I felt my cheeks heating up. I regained my composure and we went back to dancing. For the whole duration of the dance, we just looked at each other. At times, I would avert my gaze for a second.

Once the music was over, we bowed, and then everyone had already started to dance.

Sein was about to speak when a finger poked my shoulder from behind.

"Time to switch partners."

I turned and saw Erion. His black hair was tinted gold by the chandelier's lightings.


His eyes shifted to Sein. "It's fine, right?"

Sein only smiled and nodded. "Of course."

Then he disappeared into the crowd.

"May I?" Erion gave out a hand.

"Is it okay for a prince to be here?" I asked as we placed our hands on each other.

"Lavi casted a spell so no one would recognize me."

"Speaking of, where is he?"

"Outside—with Alis." 

"Why outside?"

"They're too tired. We just arrived from the Screaming Forest, you see." 

My eyes widened in shock. The Screaming Forest was a dangerous place located between the East and the West. 

"What were you doing there?" 

Erion's black eyes disappeared as he laughed.

"To get you your gift." 

"What the hell?"

He laughed even more. "Well, we're still alive, thankfully." 

"So you're not joking?"

"Why would I be?" 

What would the gift be? Could it be a deadly monster from the depths of the forest? No, that's crazy in so many ways. Maybe they just took a magical leaf or something. 

"Then should we go to them now?"

"Later, for now we dance."

I snorted and rolled my eyes.

"I can't believe you went to a dangerous place just for a birthday gift."

"And I can't believe you were locking eyes with Seinfrede." 

"I wasn't 'locking eyes' with Sein."

"Ooohh, nicknames. Is the both of you a thing?"

I almost stumbled. "What? We are not a 'thing'."

"Really? You looked like one."


"Then I guess it's alright to tell you this."


"Don't get too close to him, alright? He's a strange one." Erion said in a whisper.

My brows furrowed. I had never thought of Sein as strange. "In what way?"

"Well, he doesn't talk to anyone back at school."

"Does he even have the time, though? He's so busy helping his father with running the West, you know."

"I know that, but this is different…" He pressed his lips. "Ugh whatever, let's go."

Erion dragged my hand past all the people. Realizing that this was the second time where he suddenly grabbed my hand, I yanked it away.

The black-haired prince turned to me. "What now?"

"I can walk on my own."

Erion shrugged. "Come on, let's go. The magic's going to wear off."


I worried that we were going outside but Erion led me to my room. But it was actually "outside of the banquet hall", he clarified. Now I worry that my room was now becoming a meeting place for the four of us.

As soon as the door flew open, two bodies laid exhaustingly on the carpeted floor with their eyes closed. Oh come on, they should have forgotten about being shy and just took the bed for themselves.

I saw a cage just by the foot of my bed. A white cat was sleeping inside it.

They went to the Screaming Forest just for a cat?

As I stepped closer, I finally found out why they didn't lie on the bed. Lavi and Prince Alistair's clothes were full of dirt, grime, what seems to be claw-scratches, and… blood?

I turned to Erion and saw that he was in the exact same state as well, only less alarming than the two. The magic did wear off—the magic to cover the mess on his clothes.