Clothes maketh the man

Calla's POV

Vivian's eyes loomed over me. But something was wrong. She doesn't have a body. And then the world was overturned, I was now the one looking at her from above. Red liquid leak from her eyes, her nose, her mouth—until the walls of the room were dripping with blood. 

I awoke with a gasp, catching my breath. I looked at my sides to find Erion and Lavi still asleep with their faces leaning on the bed. Someone had placed a thick blanket on top of us. 

As I wasn't up for sleeping anymore, I decided to stand and slowly took off the blanket as to not wake up the other two.

To my surprise, the Crown Prince was knocked out lying on the bed. His face leaned on his arm as he faced towards our direction. Prince Alistair looked very sound asleep. He probably had such a long night. Had he been the one to place the blanket over us? 

I smiled as I realized that such a stern person can also show care to others.

My eyes scanned the bedroom for Shire. I found him stretching his legs just by the windows. 

As I went to him, he gave out a gentle meow. His blue eyes glinted under the morning light. The sunrise had pierced its way through the windows. I looked down and saw that there were many coaches that had parked by the courtyard. I heaved in a breath, remembering that I had to go through a seemingly long day. Well, what choice do I have? 

There was a white table by the bed and on it was a lavender-colored dress. Lavi's father did say that he'd arranged for a change of clothes for us.

I scratched Shire's neck before going to have a better look at the dress.

The ornate silk dress was just about knee-length and had black ruffles going along the high neckline to the center chest and also at the ends of its long sleeves. A white jewel that almost seemed blue under the light was laden just at the base of the neck—a brooch, I recall. 

I found another black cloth on the table, and realized that they were socks long enough to go up to the thigh. My brows crunched at the sight, who in the right mind would want to wear such an attire? 

Something glinted from below my right, and as my gaze went to the floor, the fabrics dropped from my hands. It made a soft thump on the table. 

I bent my back and picked up the most impossible-looking heels that I've ever seen in my entire two lives. These shoes had the pointiest heels with a very thick wedge in front. 

A lavender and black dress, black high socks and black high heels. Did the person who gave me this want me to become a cosplayer? 

I groaned at my own dim-witted train of thoughts. Clothes matter less, what's important is how I get through this day. 

I stepped into the bathroom and had a quick dip in the tub. Washing only the lower part of my hair, I made sure not to tug on the rose ornaments that Vivian placed on top of my head. 

After wearing the set of clothes that were obviously placed there for me, I finally walked back to the bedroom.

But things seem to happen every time I take a bath as someone else had made their way into the bed. The Empress sat on the bed in an all-black gown. Her hair wove into soft waves down to her waist, the same deep shade as her son beside him. The older son sat cross-legged on the bed behind them, hugging a pillow.

Beside their mother, they looked younger and more like boys their ages… as if they were not the types who would battle with monsters.

Lavi had transferred to the far side of the bed, snoring.

I held the sides of my dress and dipped into a curtsy. "My greetings upon the Empress of the empire,"

The Empress chuckled faintly. "Lift your head, my dear."

I did so and realized that Shire had found his way onto the Empress' lap. My eyes shifted with panic. "Uh- is that okay to you, your highness? I-I can tell him to get off if you want…"

The woman merely waved her hand and swept her hand through Shire's back. "It's fine. It's fine. I've always wanted to pet an Everbeast actually."

"Oh… alright." I answered.

"Pfft! Let me guess, you're the one who sent her that ridiculous dress." Erion held a hand to his chin.

My eyes widened with shock.

The Empress slapped her son's arm. "Shut up. You clearly do not have knowledge about fashion."

The second prince snickered. "I don't need to."

Prince Alistair, although still looking drowsy, was holding in a laugh.

She shot a glare at her sons before turning to me. "It's fine, darling. You look dashing. That's the look we're going for today."

I tilted my head to one side. "What do you mean?"

The Empress smiled. "I will explain to you right after these troublesome boys go out of this bedroom. Khloris forbid, such poor manners, all of them cramped up in a girl's bedroom."

She stood up, shooing away the boys in front of her. "Now out."

Prince Alistair was the first to stand, gold blonde hair all disheveled. He left the bedroom with no sound.

Erion was about to follow when the Empress spoke. "And drag that heavy sleeper of a child out."

The second prince rolled his midnight eyes and scratched his head, but still he followed.

I winced as I heard a loud thud as Lavi was dragged away by foot. Even with that, he still didn't wake up. He really is a heavy sleeper.

The Empress sat back on the bed again. She looked at me and patted the space beside her. I took my place on the bed and waited for her to speak first.

Shire jumped off and went to play with the window curtains.

"Sorry about that. They haven't given you a hard time, have they?" She asked with concern printed on her eyes.

"No, it's fine, your highness. I enjoy their company." I looked at my hands and smiled. "In fact, I should be thankful to them. No one would have survived that night if it weren't for them."

"Oh, darling…" The Empress hugged me, her soft hands brushing gently on my back. "I am so sorry that you had to go through such a tragic time. Are you okay now?"

My hands found their way to her back. "Y-yes… I'm fine, now. It was hard but… I'm fine."

The Empress parted her body from mine. Despite her black lipstick and dark-violet colored accessories, she wore a tranquil expression.

"Yes, that's it. This is why this look suits you perfectly." Her dark eyes sparkled with surety. "Tell me, dear. If you were another person and you saw yourself wearing those clothes right now, what would be the first thing to go into your mind?"

I wasn't really sure but I took a guess. "Uh… that I look fierce?"

She pressed her lips and nodded firmly. "Exactly."

I was stunned. "What do you mean?"

"Listen, the Court will have the most important people in the empire present today. Everyone is panicked and in a state of nervous-wreck about what happened last night. Alistair had told them the basics about you and your power. And you will be the center of attention. I do not want you to go in there and look every bit the broken girl who had witnessed a massacre instead of her own birthday party. You will walk into Court as a strong and powerful girl—head held high and has had enough of a good old cry."

My jaw fell to the floor. I cannot believe that I was hearing this. It was like having someone give me a motivational push on the back.

I gave her the most grateful smile I could muster. "Thank you, your highness."

The Empress grinned. "Do not thank me yet. This outfit will only give you a boost. The rest is up to you."