The camp

"I want to go out." I attempted to stand. "I want to see for myself." 

Firm hands gripped my shoulers and pinned me down, not allowing me to move. 

"No you won't." Althea loomed over me. "You have to rest." 

"Come on, just for a little bit—a peek even?" I urged.

Althea's face indicated that she was done with my stubborness. 

"You can't even stand on your own." 

"Erion will assist me." I took a glance at the black-haired prince. "Right?" 

He blinked and threw his hands in the air. "Don't look at me." 

Erion was clearly afraid of Althea. 

"Please?" I kept on. "I promise I'll lie back down after." 

"Absolutely not. You will stay here and focus on your recovery. You can go outside once you're well enough." 

"I've taken much rest already." I insisted. 

"Not enough." She said, her sharp nails digging deeper into my shoulders. 


"Don't force me to knock you out again." 

I gulped.