The Evanesce

Sein and I walked through the camp, often receiving words of pleasantries and well wishes from the people. Despite feeling uncomfortable of their expectations of me, I did my best to return their greetings. The whole Flos Empire was relying on me, and I had now added one Ventus Kingdom to the list. It seemed like the weight of the world came crashing down on me in an instant. It was dizzying to think of it. 

I whisked the thoughts away and knocked my head back, gaping at the lanterns hanging above us. They seemed to follow us wherever we go. As I was occupied by their beauty, I also could not help but wonder what Lavi had wanted to say to me. 

I heard Sein give out a small laugh. "Careful or you'll trip." 

"What is this place, anyway?" I asked without removing my taking away my gaze from the lights above. 

"A pocket of space inside the Screaming Forest—it seems to be hidden from the knowledge of outsiders, including other harmful creatures." Sein stated.