Sudden change of treatment

Since the maids insisted, I left Shire to their care.

I walked the hallways with my personal knights flanking on my sides. The moment I reached the ground floor, each step of mine felt weirder and weirder.

The courtiers, who once greeted me in the blandest ways possible, were now leering at me with what seemed like delight. They looked at me as if they adored me or something.

"Young Lady Calla." said one of the many noble ladies that I had passed by for the last three minutes. She bowed—like the previous ones—smiling widely while batting her lashes. "A pleasant morning to you, are you heading somewhere?"

At times like this, I would dip into a curtsy and go along with making small talk. "Good morning, Lady, uh…"

Then one of my personal knights would lean in to whisper. "Lady Andrews."