Floralia (2)

I didn't quite understand what Len had meant with his last words. Nevertheless, I went to the place he talked about. It turned out the three of them were lounging in a room hidden from plain sight. The space seemed like a perfect place for anyone who wanted to earn peace from the revelries and have a nice quiet time of their own.

I found them flopped upon velvet couches. A low-lying table filled with heaps of desserts and sweet fruits were settled in the middle. There was also a burning hearth that gave the room a mellow ambience of warmth and comfort. 

"Took you long enough." Lavi said as he plopped a cherry into his mouth. He lay on his side on a sofa, his clenched fist supporting his head. He looked very lax in that position.

I settled across him, beside Althea who was gobbling two cupcakes at the same time.

I lifted a shoulder. "Len and I were dancing before he told me where you were."

Lavi rolled his eyes. "Oh were you now?"