His views

Flowerbeds surrounded us, the aromas of their petals wafting through the air. The fragrance lingered just under my nose, sending fluttery sensations to my senses. The atmosphere around me and the silver-haired boy, however, contrasted the pleasant ambience around us.

I noted how the gravel beneath him gave out a last crunch as his feet stilled. My own did the same. I stared at the broad of his back, my heart thundering strangely.

Without turning to me, he spoke, "Are you not angry at me, Calla?"

My brows lifted. I was confused. "Why would I be angry at you?"

The gravel crackled once more. Sein took a few steps forward to where tulips jutted out gracefully from the soil. He stopped just a few inches from them. "Didn't your friends tell you about it? Of what I did?"