At the back

Unfortunately for my pitiful self, Althea was Will's star pupil. Unlike the instructor, she didn't hold back during the sparring drills. She'd also gone all the way to seeing through the endurance drills, making sure I got back to my feet right away every time I stumbled down the hill.

As expected, the other students kept a good distance from her. Except for the twins. They had these amused looks on their faces as they mouthed, "Good luck. It's your turn."

I had both fists up in the air, bracing myself as Althea lunged toward me. She swung a punch, faster than I could dodge. I was knocked back to the dusty floor of the training room for the hundredth time this past three days.

"Put some strength into those arms, Calla!" she spat as I hoisted myself up.

"I am!" I replied, head spinning. "Again,"