
I dug my knee-high boots to the ground as Len conjured a magic circle, sending lightning-fast ice bullets toward me. I raised my hands in a full arc and reached for my power. As if answering its master's orders, the light obliged and swept across the grassy plain of the academy grounds.

Len's ice bullets melted into droplets that watered the soil. He smirked—

Wait. I knew that look.

I was now falling to my right, dodging by instinct when I heard a sharp whoosh in the wind. Len had sent pointed thick branches while I was occupied by his earlier attack. His nature magic had snuck up on me.

Regaining balance quickly, I clenched my fists and shot my light beams at him. They were smaller now, more precise and much, much stronger.

Len blurred away and vanished. Just in time as one of my beams caught the sleeve of his robe.