The Brother

Althea's POV

"There's no need." said a deep voice. 


My face lit up with happiness. This was great, too! Better, even. 

He's the Grand General. My brother could certainly help me and my friends save Calla! 

Alexei came out from an intersection of hallways. I launched to my feet to meet him. He was my ray of hope, telling me that it wasn't too late to give up. Telling me that I could still see my friend again. 

I stopped as soon as I saw the others. Alistair, Lavi, Erion, Len and Lucius. 

All of them were handcuffed. The silver chains were glowing. It meant that they were ability and magic restrictors. It rendered them basically powerless. 

Each of them were flanked with knights who had pointed their swords to their backs. Alexei was in front. 

"Great, the cunt found them first." Yuno whispered. 

"Princess," Kei warned. 
