A girl

Lavi placed a finger on his chin. He had been in the middle of practicing his teleportation when his friends arrived. 

Though teleporting to short distances was never a problem, he wasn't fairly certain if he could do far away places. 

Like Dahlia's house, which was in the Southwest.

Well, Lavi supposed it was about time to find out. Indeed, he was already quite confident in his skills. 

Lavi shrugged. "Why not? I'll do it."

Both Dahlia and Erion's eyes shone with glee. 

Christel, Dahlia's maid, paled. Lavi could understand her reaction. A normal adult would not easily place her trust on a child. But Lavi would show her how amazing he was. 

As expected, Alis interrupted the happy moment with a dismissive wave of his hand. "No, we can't. It's not safe." 

Christel appeared relieved.