The Seven Winds of Zephyros

"What?!" Dahlia turned on her heels to face Sein, sending the chair to the floor with a loud rattle. 

Sein bared his teeth, his eyes full of warning. 

The door opened, a guard's head peeking through. He eyed us with suspicion. "Is everything all right?" 

Something clawed up my throat but refused to go out my mouth.

Sein flashed the guard a rigid smile. To my surprise, it didn't have the same gentleness and fluidity Nightshade had showed me. They might have worn the same face but there definitely was a lot of difference in how they handled themselves. And that was a fact I could live with. 

"We're fine," he said, "Dahlia and I had a misunderstanding. We're on to fixing it, no worries." 

The guard appeared skeptical but he shot us a glare and said, "You better not be planning to run away again." 

"I assure you, they're not." Sein waved a slender hand in the air. "These girls are not that stupid to attempt the same thing again."