His selfishness

[Lavi's POV, the night before.] 

"Stop grinning like an idiot." I said to Erion. 

I continued to pace the room, my hands bound together by the restrictors. 

"Can't I just be happy?" Erion frowned as he leaned on the dank grey walls of the prison cell. "Your spell has been reversed. We finally know what happened to Dahlia. She's not dead, Lavi! And I feel so stupid for believing that she was this entire time." 

"Don't blame yourself, lover boy." said Len who was casually sitting cross-legged on the farthest corner. "It's caused by his magic, it made you believe something even if you didn't want to in the first place." 

I sighed, "Yes, you can be happy Erion." I replied to his earlier question, ignoring my older brother who was too lax for our situation. "But we've got another problem to think about. Instead of finding a way to get out of here, your head is up in the clouds, thinking about hearts and rainbows."