A warrior disguised as a princess

Yuno, Euph and Kei had to stay behind in camp in case something happened to us. With Shire, who'd draw too much attention. Plus, we had to have people who would meet my brothers if backup was necessary. I hoped the latter wouldn't happen. Though that is less probable. 

Something was bound to happen, I could feel it deep within my bones.

It was hard getting the twins to separate, taking us about half an hour of persuasions and arguments. They had told us that there was only one time they weren't together and it didn't end too well. Both said they didn't want to suffer through the same hell ever again. Their bond was unbreakable and they would die if they weren't together, they said. 

We eventually convinced them to make Eul come with us when Yuno threatened their lives. A situation I'd rather not elaborate on. 

"Warn us if you feel like dropping dead any minute." Erion teased the curly-haired boy with us as we waded through the crowd.