Bring the light

I grinded my teeth, nose flaring as the tip of the blade dug and tore into cloth. Then into flesh. A primal groan escaped from the back of my throat. 

It was over in a split second. My skin burned searing hot, blood gushing out like a mini waterfall. My ruined gown was now red all over. It stung. It hurt. 

A faint gleam from underneath my chin caught my attention. I looked down. The light came from the opening in my chest. All the color in my face drained out. The Pure Light was exactly where the Dark Sorcerer said it would be. In the heart. 

Looking at the pulsing beats of my vital organ, I instantly lifted my head back up, feeling faint at the quick loss of blood. 

Lavi had a horrified expression on him, twinning with the others. I knew it was hard for them to speak in their condition. But I badly wanted to hear their voices. I needed something to cling onto. Or else I might fall down and give in.