We've all had our fair share of these, haven't we? Now, this whole fake friends 'disease', as I like to call it, seems to follow me everywhere. Every school that I've been in contained so many of them that I had such a hard time believing who was really my friend and who was not.
I will not go into detail on every single one that I encountered during my time on this planet, but let's say I've met more than I count on all 10 of my fingers (including thumbs and pinkies, of course). Now, since they were all just fake, of course, they are not currently my friends anymore.
Now that I am in high school, I now pick and choose my own crowd. I tend to fit in with the geeky, theatre group type kids. But my school only contains around 200 students in the entire school, so there aren't too many of those type of kids. Instead, my group of friends consists of three to six kids. Three of the six are not actually my friends, but I'm friendly enough with them that I consider them a part of my friend group. Now, two out of the three kids are my best friends. We've been friends literally since I first moved to the school. Those two kids are Fiona and Victoria (those are their actual names). The third friend is a girl that I'm going to call Rose.
Rose moved to my school just this year, so she is still adapting to the new schedule and people. Now, I don't know how, or why, but she decided that she wanted to join my friend group. Now, I wasn't too happy about having another member because I was pretty close with my friends and I didn't want the dynamic of our lunch table to change too much. I could tell when I first met Rose that she loved drama and was most certainly boy crazy.
Now, after my recent break up with my boyfriend, at the time, I just didn't really see guys as more than friends. Now, I'm not saying I'm a lesbian because I'm straighter than a frickin' telephone pole, but I just wasn't interested in dating anyone. Rose on the other hand, well, let's just say if you had a penis, she had a crush on you.
Now, in the beginning, Rose was nice, but she soon became obsessed with Victoria. Now, Victoria did not like Rose at all. No one in my lunch group did. One of the guys that is in my lunch group literally calls her 'Hepatitis C' because he just cannot stand her. During the first week of my friendship with Rose, she proceeded to tell me all the guys she had a crush on (which were all wayyy too old for her for one, and two, they were wayyy out of her league). Now the number of people she liked during that first week was so large that even me, biggest player around, was shocked. I just couldn't fathom how having eleven crushes at once was healthy. I mean sure, I've liked two guys at the same time, but ELEVEN? Hell to the no.
Now, Rose and I had what people liked to call a 'toxic friendship'. We honestly fought more than we breathed and that just ended up tearing up our friendship more than anything else did. Also, she loved to kick me. Now, I may be thick around the bones, but that doesn't mean that her shoes digging into my back or legs didn't hurt. She was also completely untrustworthy. At the beginning of our friendship, I had a hunch that she was a gossip so I lied to her about who I liked and she told like 5 people and they all told him. I still think that he believes I like him.
Rose also was super rude to some of my friends. She threatened them, told them lies about me behind my back so they wouldn't want to be my friend anymore, and stuff like that. It was horrible. Thankfully, none of my friends believed a single word that flew out of her mouth. Thank God. But if they did, I don't know how I'd be able to wake up every morning. Yes, the rumors were that bad.
Now, to my face, she wasn't so bad. Sometimes, she would say really hurtful stuff to me which was stuff that Nathan often repeated. Most of the time, though, she was halfway decent towards me. Now, she's not as much obsessed with Victoria. Now she's obsessed with me. She won't walk down the hallway without begging for me to come over to her. She won't walk to the bathroom without practically begging for me to walk with her. If I am sitting with my class or with my other friends, she has to sit a good five feet away from me and text me. She is really clingy and it is slowly driving me insane. My lunch group has now evacuated to a classroom because they are all sick of Rose. I am too, but I'm too nice to tell her to leave me the hell alone and let me breathe in peace.
Rose and I don't really have much in common now that I think about it. She is boy crazy, I'm not. She loves drama, I hate it. She loves watching those videos where people crash or dogs bump into poles, and I don't, because I feel bad for the person that wiped out and I care more about if the dog is okay than how hilarious it was that he banged his precious little head into a big fat pole. I guess I'm just more sensitive than she is. Rose has no problem being mean to people, and I do. Being mean to someone, for me, is way different than it is for Rose. In fact, I'm even nice to Nathan sometimes despite the fact that he's mean to me. Sometimes I wonder if keeping up the act of being her friend is even worth it anymore. It sure doesn't seem like it is.