8 - Rachel - All Glory be to God

Hey! my name is Rachel and I've known Conner Chesster40 about a year and a half now. And when he asked me to write about something that I believed in, I jumped right on board and I knew exactly what I was going to be talking about. I wanted to talk about how God has changed my life and what I feel like is the most important thing we as Christians need to do.

To get started I'm just going to give a little background. I've been going to church for my whole life and I've always been exposed to Christianity and the whole Jesus thing. So growing up in church you'd think I'd be all about God and stuff right? Haha I wish. My walk didn't really start till I was in my middle school years. My sister was just moving out and I was starting a new school away from my previous homeschool experience. So there I was in 8th grade, new school, no friends and I felt so lonely.

But then that summer I went to Hume Lake Christian Camps; this was normal for me because I had been going with the same church for 9 years. This summer was different though, I was going into the high school camp! So I went and through the whole week I really got to know and understand God's purpose for me and what truly believing is and what it looks like. I learned that my identity stood in God and how Jesus died on the cross to make us perfect in God's eyes! That week was a blast! But really the one thing I can remember to this day was the phrase " All glory be to God". Wow! All glory be to Christ our king! I realized then that my main goal in life was in my everyday doings give God all the glory cause without him, Nothing would be possible! I know take that wherever I go and I can remember that God deserves all the praise and glory we can give him, so I'm going to spend my days glorifying My savior!

By my irl (in real life) friend Rachel, she doesn't have a Wattpad account.