He had many ideas before. He had dreamt of this moment for years. He imagined himself going to many different planets like Koltaria, Suincald or even Xyumi. They were planets close-by and third ranked ones like this one. But he would be able to settle there more easily. He could find a manual job with a more decent pay or something and start a real life.

But now, however, he had quite a bit of money… So, his greed grew. Maybe he had enough for a better place? He looked at the woman in front of him and questioned her: "Are there any flight towards a first-ranked planet scheduled today?"

She looked at him with a gaze that said it all. She didn't think he had enough to pay for such a flight. A 1000 might seem like a lot to a beggar but in reality, it wasn't much to those who could travel through space. Still, she obliged. She would crush his dream and make him buy a ticket for a place he could afford. She checked through her interface and there was only one such transport scheduled. She snickered inside as she told him while sporting her business smile: "There is one flight to Grenilian scheduled to depart in an hour, Sir"

His eyes beamed. Grenilian was a first-rate planet, a planet that ruled over a whole system! If he could settle on such a planet… Even a beggar there had a better life than he had until now. He asked her with high expectations: "How much for a ticket?"

The woman kept her smile as she answered: "Only 50 000 spatial coins, Sir. The price is lowered due to the imminent departure"

She enjoyed seeing his expression crumble. A ticket to the ruling planet of this system? He could keep on dreaming. Only the wealthy were allowed to go there. Or natives who paid nearly nothing with the planet administration funding their tickets. She looked at the bum who seemed to have had his dreams crushed. Then she saw him look back up with a smile as bright as before, stunning her. She had expected him to despair more…

748 was disappointed for sure but it couldn't be helped. He knew he was poor even if he had never been so wealthy… He couldn't climb so high yet but, maybe, one day, he would be able to? His dampened mood quickly brightened at the thought of his future. He looked back at the cashier with high expectations and asked her what was the cheapest ticket for a second-rate planet.

Second-rate planets were those who rules over a cluster. And a system contained those clusters. It made it easier for the first-rate planet to manage their systems. They only cared about the second-rate planets. It was a pyramidal management.

But one shouldn't belittle second-rate planets though. They were only behind the first-rate one when it came to wealth and power. Sometimes, very close to it. There were many tales of second-rate planets overthrowing first-rate ones to take their spots.

If he could go to one, he would be more than satisfied too.

The clerk checked on her computer. There were obviously more flights scheduled to those. She filtered for the cheapest and locked on it. Then, she looked up and told the bum: "A flight to Carix One scheduled in two hours. The ticket price is 4800 spatial coins"

She expected him to shrink back but instead, he excitedly took out four more 1000 bills. She looked at him with surprise and had to reevaluate him. It was rare but happened that bums bought a ticket. But they never bought a ticket for so much money. They mostly picked the cheapest of the cheap while clinging to hope. However, this guy, he was quite the spender for a beggar. If he had gone to a third-rate planet, he could have settled for a better life with this amount. He would have had at least enough to live decently until he found a job.

Still, it wasn't her place to speak about such things and she wouldn't get anything out of it either. So, she didn't bother. She needed his identification to proceed though: "I need your ID, Sir, please"

He had none. So, he didn't bother saying something useless: "I don't have one"

She clicked her tongue. As expected, he had none. Now, she would be stuck with him longer to make him one… She wanted this to end, he really smelled too damn bad and was so ugly… She spoke quickly: "Not a problem, Sir, we will make one right now. I only need your name, family name and birthdate"

He looked at her blankly. He had neither of those. Well, he was called 748 but even he knew that it wasn't really a name. More like a product code? Or a tool identification? Regardless, he couldn't use that. But what could he pick? He had thought many times of his future but he never thought of having a new name. He had always been 748 and was so used to it that he forgot…

So, what should he pick? He wasn't certain. He wasn't the creative kind either. More like the kind to use his hands for menial works who didn't imply thinking. Like mining copper, zinc, bauxite or even iron… Oh. Iron…I…Ron… He smirked at himself. This seemed fitting.

He told her after a few seconds went by: "You can call me Ron"

She smirked inside. It was obvious he thought up the name on the spot. Still, it was a name and she put it in the monitor. Now, what about his family name, what would he come up with? Copper?

She asked: "And your family name, Sir?"

Well, he didn't have one either. So, what should he pick? How about copper? Ron Copper? It didn't sound too bad. Maybe it was too miner-like though… He looked around and noticed the name of a brand that was quite eye-catching. It was one of the mining business here called 'Orenor' and it was the brand owning the mine he worked at. It seemed like a good way to never forget his origins.

He decided on this and answered the clerk: "Orenor"

This time, she couldn't help but let out a laugh. It was just too funny…