Things were settled quite quickly. He was shown different options through a holographic screen and whenever he felt like there was one that was to his liking, they went inside a sealed room that would replicate every room of said apartment. It was a way to check out the places without having to move anywhere, quite practical. He enjoyed it and took his time. Every single apartment was so much better than what he had been living in previously that he wasn't sure what was better. It was his first time looking for a place to live after all.

It was only after visiting the fifth apartment that he made up his mind. To pick the fourth one. The real estate agent had been professional throughout, never showing a single hint of displease.

After the papers were settled, he payed for a month rent in advance as stipulated by the contract. 850 spatial coins. Nearly enough to buy a ticker to the closest third-rate planet… It made him realize how quick it was to spend money when one 'lived' a normal life. He never had to care about expenses as a miner living on-site. Now, he would have to.

Once the payment was done, they scanned his biometric data. Eye scan and fingerprints scans. That would be the 'keys' to his apartment. They also gave him a bundle of papers that proved his official status as a renting customer.

He left the real estate with a broad smile on his face. Finally, he had his own home. He couldn't wait to find it. The real agent had been nice enough to pick a paper and write him the way to get to the apartment. It was slightly far but not that much if he took a cab. Of course, he didn't plan to. Money was too precious a resource. He would walk. It was only a three-hour walk, easy. He planned to observe the surroundings and bathe in the atmosphere of the city as a normal citizen for once.

Well, people still looked at him like a weirdo. But it didn't matter. The landscape itself was enough to ignore such things. Blinding panels with advertisements, holographic ads, flying cars in the sky, an elevated trainway…He even saw an artificial suspended lake. So many new things to explore and maybe enjoy were within his grasp. More than ever before.

He could only thank his lucky star for providing him with such an opportunity.

Back in the estate agency, as the weirdo left, the estate agent sighed. It had been exhausting but fortunately, this customer bought something in the end. It was something cheap and a rent but it was better than nothing. What's more, he would get royalties every month for as long as the customer rented. Even if it was a small amount, it was still money and money piled up.

As he turned around, a colleague of his asked him: "Why were you so nice to this weirdo? It's obvious that he's an immigrant, he won't be able to live here for long"

He looked at his colleague and shook his head sideways. This junior of his was too green. It was his duty as the senior to explain things to him: "Have you ever seen an immigrant dressed like this and capable of affording to rent an apartment in the city?"

Obviously, the junior answered negatively. It was his first time seeing such a weirdo. He didn't get where his senior was going with this. His senior felt exasperated as he looked at his junior: "A new immigrant, fresh out of the station, capable of paying for an apart. Just the trip ticket should have cost him an arm, yet he could spend even more on clothes and a home. Cheap ones but still. It means he is capable of making money"

The junior pondered for a moment and nodded. His senior was his senior alright, he could think of so much just from seeing the appearance of the client. He still had a lot to learn. He thanked his senior for his guidance and went back to his station.

As he left, the senior chuckled inwardly. The real reason was solely that even if it was only for one month, he would get royalties worth a month. Money piled up!

Three hours and a little later, Ron Morgensen arrived in front of a giant building that went really high beyond the clouds. That was the building in which his apartment was supposed to be. As he had walked all the way here, he had seen quite a bit of the surroundings. It was a nice place to settle in. There were small businesses around and the surroundings were lively. It was a nice place to start over.

He walked to the entrance of the building and was blocked at the doors. They did not open. He wondered what was going on and tried a few more times but it didn't budge. Then, he heard laughter from behind him. A middle-aged woman was standing there with a bag filled with her purchases.

He bowed in embarrassment at the woman stuttering: "T-the d-doors won't o-open…s-orry"

She chuckled before she patted his shoulder and went to the side of the door where there was a little contraption. She put a hand on it then bent down and showed her eye to a camera. There was then a voice: "Welcome back Ms. Mhenin"

The doors opened automatically. She chuckled at the surprised expression on the face of the newcomer. She told him: "Security measures, only those living here can enter"

She began to walk towards the open doors then turned back to the young weirdo. She chuckled once more as she told him: "Well, what are you still standing here for? The doors are open now"

He nodded and walked alongside her. As they moved, he helped her with the bags and learnt a lot. She told him about the security in the complex after he showed her that he was a new resident. She first thought he was a bum here to beg and planned to give him some stuff from her fridge that she wouldn't need. Turned out he would be a neighbor.