Ron spent the rest of the day checking the documents the secretary gave him. There were quite a lot:

> Rules & Regulations

> Campus Map

> Introduction to school clubs

> Introduction to your curricular

> History of the school

> Official letter of acceptance

> Official Student Identification

> Invitation to freshman's welcoming ceremony

He picked the invitation first. It stated that it would be the 04/10 which was in three weeks. It would be on the morning. They would then have free time until 2 p.m where they would have their first orientation. He would meet his classmates at that time. He had high expectations. People his age were few at the mines as most children died off quickly and the few still alive weren't very chatty, rather cold in fact.

He blushed at the thought that maybe he would meet a cute girl and…who knows…marry her… Yes, he had high expectations and big dreams…

Anyways, he would have to be there on time. He carefully placed the invitation on one of the shelves and went back to check the other papers.

The student identification and letter of acceptance were official documents proving his identity as a student. He would need them to enter the premises and could sometimes get some reductions in certain shops that were partnering with the school. He would have to check it since every credit saved was one more credit to spend later.

The history of the school…He threw it aside. He didn't care about it and didn't think it had any importance. It was also incredibly thick and it seemed like a waste of his time.

The introduction to his curricular on the other hand, now, that was interesting. He would be a student in engineering. Yet, at the moment, he didn't have the slightest clue on what it entitled him to. What was engineering even supposed to be? He did not know! Which is why this was very important.

The paper gave a brief description of three year curricular and how it would help him learn how to become a true engineer. It stated that someone who graduated could then work anywhere as an engineer, even in space stations. As long as he could get some stable and decent work, he would be willing.

Then, there was his timetable. It was rather simple. He had classes every morning from Monday to Friday, from 8am to 1pm with some breaks here and there. most of the classes names he had never even heard of: Advanced Calculus, Thermal Fluids Utilization 101, Sustainability, Principles of Vacuums, Theory of spatial movements and dilatations…

Just the names of the lessons were already far beyond his understanding. The fact was that he never received any education. He was taught how to swing a pickaxe, not algebra. This was quite confusing and it brought a bigger problem than he expected. He might fail.

He never considered the possibility before as he lived in the present but now that he did, he began to pale. He truly had no idea how to successfully graduate. He wasn't even sure how school itself worked… Still, he decided to put that aside for now. He would let the him of tomorrow deal with that particular shit. First, he needed to find a solution to his money problem.

It would likely not be found in the map of the campus or the rules & regulations, but maybe in the clubs? He skimmed through the liflets…

Space War Analysis Club, Armored titans chat group, Spaceship lover's association…There was a bunch of weird clubs but nowhere was it stated that he would be able to make money if he joined. Thus, he threw it all aside.

He didn't have the time to waste on something that wouldn't bring him money.

So, he remained in his home thinking about what he could do…and didn't find any options. In the end, he went out to eat at the cheap restaurant. This time, the waitress accompanied him for a moment again. He found her very nice and easy to talk to. Also, she was the one who guided him to the path of education. He decided he would become a regular of her shop as thanks. And he hoped she could give him more good suggestions. She seemed smart.

And she did.

After he exposed his problem about not having a job for the second time, she told him that she couldn't help once again… But she told him that he could go ask someone else who might be able to help. There was an agency in the city that dealt with such cases like his own. They branched out workers with hiring owners. Apparently, they received money whenever they found the right worker for an owner.

He marveled at the thought that there were people who made money by giving other people jobs. It was quite the incredible job, he thought.

However, he was quickly disappointed once he reached the place the next morning. He had expected a beautiful building with smiling and welcoming employees. It was shabby and the atmosphere was sad. Most of the people coming here seemed depressed and at the end of the rope. As for the workers, they seemed to be in a perpetual sighing motion.

The image he had in his mind shattered and his expression turned grave. Still, he resolved to go through with this and went forward. He registered and waited for his turn.

Soon enough, an employee entered the waiting room and called for him. He got up and went to greet the employee with a smile. He only got a nod back…What a bad first impression this place gave!