After two hours and some, everything had been talked about and the teacher left. The students began to form cliques as they introduced themselves to each other. Ron got up and was ready to leave along with the teacher. He was quite timid to be honest and never really interacted with others his age. Also, the waitress seemed to already have friends…

Surprisingly, as he picked up his bag, that was in fact empty, a small hand tapped his shoulder twice rather gently. He turned around to see her smiling at him and she said: "Hey Ron! I didn't think we would be in the same class!"

Ron beamed at her and answered as usual: "Me neither! It's nice to see you!"

From behind two girls came and one of them asked: "Laila, you know him?"

Laila, the waitress as Ron knew her, answered as she turned her head: "Yup, this is Ron. He went to eat at the place I worked at the past few days"

Ron looked at them, and tried to give hi best smile as he greeted them politely: "A pleasure to make your acquaintances, young misses, I am Ron Morgensen. You can call me Ron"

The two girls looked at each other and chuckled. This guy was awkward as hell but he was really funny. They introduced themselves as well but in a more relaxed manner:

"I'm Nancy Ruiz~"

"And I'm Vanesa Panajero, nice to meet you, Ron"

After that, Laila asked him if he wanted to come with us to get a snack and chat about the university and such. He agreed. He didn't have much money for the month but he could definitely spare a bit for that. The three were all cute and maybe one of them would… He was already imagining things. As they were getting ready to move out, some guy from behind called out to Nancy and once he saw her turned towards him, he walked to them:

"I heard you girls were going for a snack, mind if I join in?"

Ron was the first to reply as he moved forward and extended his hand for a shake while greeting the guy: "Hi! I'm Ron Morgensen, nice to make your acquaintance! You can call me Ron!"

His only goal had been to introduce himself and maybe make his first male friend his age. He had a wide smile on his face as he extended his hand forward. The girls chuckled while the guy who just appeared felt awkward. It was as if this guy had tried to block him out… Still, he extended his hand and shook Ron's hand as he introduced himself as well: "Ivan Artigas, pleasure is mine"

Then, he took his hand away and went back to asking the girls. They ended up allowing it mostly because Ron might have felt difficulties alone with girls.

The group of five left the classroom as the rest of the students still inside whispered amongst each other:

"Wow, the young prince of the Artigas and the princess of the Ruiz…"

"Didn't think I would get to be in the same class as those two living banks"

"Damn, we're a step too late, should have befriended them earlier on"

Laila was leading them to a shop a little hidden between the roads. It was cozy and tasty but more than anything, it was cheap. It was the perfect place considering her financial state. Her two friends were wealthy but she didn't want them to treat her out of pity and such. That's why she needed to know where those places were at.

Unfortunately for her, Ivan had other plans. He spotted a luxurious tearoom just as they left the school. He pointed towards it and said excitedly: "How about we go there? I heard from a senior that this place was great"

Nancy and Vanesa didn't seem to care as they followed him. Ron followed with a smile too. He didn't think a snack shop for students could be expensive. Only Laila felt the danger and quickly grabbed onto her two friends before she said: "Girls~ I planned to show you the new shop I found last time with the awesome tarts~"

Nancy and Vanessa got the hint right away. They smiled wryly as they told Ivan that they would rather go to the shop Laila picked. Since she had researched it beforehand. Ivan didn't mind to be honest, as long as he could get closer to Nancy, anything was fine in his books. As for Ron, he was ok with anything and no one even bothered asking him. He didn't feel bad about it since he didn't even notice.

Laila was proud of herself as she averted a crisis but she was slightly embarrassed about the way she was forced to deal with this… However, her two friends were true friends. They quickly help her get back on tracks and the awkwardness was forgotten soon enough.

As they walked, they made girls talk and Ivan frustratingly gave up on that chat. It was a bit too much for him. He turned to Ron and pondered whether to try chatting with this weirdo. In the end, he felt so bored he decided to give it a try: "So, Ron, was it? Where do you come from?"

"I'm from the mining planet Telmun and you Ivan?"

"I was born here, in this very city. Wait, you said 'mining planet'? As in a planet for mining rocks?"

Ron nodded.

"Holy shit! Doesn't that mean you come from a third-rank bottom planet?!"

His shout attracted the girl's attention and they joined the conversation, asking what this was all about. And so, on the way to the shop, Ron answered the curious questions the young adults had. They never left their own planet. They were very curious what it was like to travel into space and the differences between here and a third rank planet.

Ron entertained them with simple and clear answers.