After a moment, the bell rang and seconds later, the door opened. This was the entrance of their first teacher. All the students got up as a show of respect and welcome. The teacher nodded at them as a show of gratitude. The students sat back down on their chairs and waited for the professor to begin.

He was a middle-aged man wearing a brown suit with a white shirt. He had short black hair and stubble. There were a few wrinkles under his eyes, testimony to a prolonged lack of sleep.

He put down his black leather black on the desk meant for him and gazed at the student with a serious expression. Then, he smiled amiably and spoke gently: "Welcome everyone and congratulations on your admission. It is a pleasure to make the acquaintance of all of you young geniuses. I am Mr. Moronobu and will be your teacher for Space Travelling Theories"

Most of the students. Ron had already activated his wrist-com and was jotting down the name and thematic of the course on one of his apps. This app enabled him to write and save his writings. It would be very useful for lessons. It was fortunate that he had been taught to read and write back in the orphanage. They weren't given much education but they were taught the basics. Even miners needed to be able to read the signs and shifts in mines.

As he looked around, he saw that most people took out papers and pen which surprised him. They all had wrist-coms, why would they waste money on those things? The teacher looked at him, the sole student using his wrist-com sighing to himself. There were always one of those who liked to fool around and disrespect the teachers from the very start.

He decided to make him an example and pointed at him as he said: "You, student, may I ask for your name?"

Ron got up from his seat, bowed and replied: "Ron Morgensen, Sir"

The rest of the classroom chuckled at his over-the-top polite introduction. It made the teacher frown a little but he decided not to pursue this. Instead, he asked him: "May I know what you were doing on your wrist-com?"

Ron thought the teacher had singled him out to reward him for his ingenuity on using the wrist-com. He didn't think too much before he answered: "I opened an application that lets me take notes, Sir! It's called 'Sentence'"

The teacher was flabbergasted. He didn't expect the student to admit to it with such pride. Was there something wrong with this kid? His expression darkened as he believed that he was truly being made a fool of and he said: "Student Morgensen, I will have you know that using a wrist-com during lessons is forbidden. I will have to ask you to turn it off"

He expected the kid to stop his joke. He didn't expect him to ask something back: "Then what am I supposed to take notes on?"

The teacher got angry as he retorted: "Look at your fellow students! What are they using?"

Ron looked to the left, then to the right, and he answered: "Pens and papers, Sir"

The teacher nodded with exasperation and concluded: "Now you know"

But Ron wouldn't end it there. For one thing, he was curious why there was such a rule and, on another note, he didn't want to go buy these things. Money was something he lacked. If he was fired from his job, where would he get more? He couldn't waste it on pens and papers when the wrist-com could already do it all. He spoke: "Sir, pens and papers cost money, not my wrist-com. I don't see the point of wasting my money on those"

The entire student body laughed at his words. The teacher fumed. He was being genuine though but no one understood that part. Everyone thought he was messing around. There was a reason why teachers didn't like it when students used something besides paper and pens. It was because it had the potential to distract them. Especially wrist-coms and such technologies. They could do so much with these gadgets, who knew what they would really be doing in class?

That aside, the teacher was getting a headache. It seems like this kid was hell-bent on being a troublemaker. From his experience, it was better to just ignore these kinds of doofus. If they fooled around, they would be the one to regret it in the end. Their grades were theirs and if they failed to graduate, it wouldn't impact his status or salary. In the end, he decided to take a step back and give up on this student. May he live a life of mediocrity.

He told Ron to sit down and do whatever. Ron happily thanked him, not understanding the hidden meaning. As he was seated back, Ivan gave him a thumbs up. He had been impressed. He didn't expect this idiot to have such balls to anger the very first teacher they met. Ron thought he was complimenting him and tried to show him how to use 'Sentence'. Of course, Ivan rejected, claiming he enjoyed writing on paper more. He didn't but he wouldn't dare anger a teacher here on the first day. Hell, he wouldn't dare do it any day of the term. Those guys were the ones who give them grades and decided whether or not they could move on to the next level. Staying as a freshman for two years would be a disgrace to someone like him so, no thanks!

As for the three girls, they had some fun from the charade but didn't have any particular intent on joining Ron either. They were perfectly fine with pens and papers and used to already. It wasn't their first time in a school.

They didn't know it was the first lesson Ron ever took in a school. They knew where he came from and the job he did, his family status too but not that fact.