As they walked through the different wards, Ron asked him: "Where are we going, Doctor?"

The doctor sighed and decided to speak as they walked: "This might come as a shock but I don't think your friend Laila died from a natural cause"

Ron stopped in his tracks as he began to tremble. Rage filled his mind as he coldly asked: "What do you mean?"

The doctor turned around. He realized the state the kid was in and, in a way, was relieved. It would still be better for him to be motivated by anger than to give everything up. The doctor stated: "The footage from the night is a fake. While we can't prove it and wouldn't dare, it is obvious. Someone visited her that night, unknown to our services. Then, she died"

Ron glared at him as he asked: "Who?"

The doctor shook his head sideways: "We don't know. And we won't ever try to find out. Someone who can do this, frankly, it is beyond us"

Ron was still trembling as he asked: "So, where are you taking me?���

The doctor sighed and said: "You're an engineer, aren't you? I made a copy of the footage. I want to give it to you, if you want it, of course"

Ron nodded.

The both of them moved forward until they reached Doctor Amundsen's office. They entered and the doctor went behind his desk. He retrieved a small memory card from inside it and handed it to Ron. He stated: "Everything is in here"

Ron picked the memory card as tears flowed down once more. Who would be so inhumane as to end the life of a young woman that was already in a coma? Why would it have to happen? He was so sad and so angry… He didn't know what to do anymore.

He looked at the doctor who sported a sad smile. That guy was a good man. He couldn't direct those feelings at him. It would only make him pitiable. He would hate himself for it. He bowed once and thanked the doctor for his care. He also apologized for his previous conduct. The doctor waved it off, he understood what Ron felt. He was no stranger to seeing people facing the death of a close one.

They walked back to the entrance and before Ron left, he asked: "Does she have a tomb somewhere?"

The doctor shook his head sideways: "Since she had no relatives, the procedure was to cremate her body. There was nothing to bury and no one to pay for that"

Ron nodded and left.

He stopped at a printing shop next. Once inside, the shopkeeper welcomed him with a bright smile. He didn't reciprocate even if he wanted to. His mood was just not up for even fake smiles right now. He took off his wrist-com and asked the shopkeeper how much it would cost to print all pictures in a particular file of his.

The shopkeeper took the wrist-com and checked the number of pictures… 1253… He looked at the young man in front of him and pointed at the price list to his right. Then, he said:

"It depends on the size of the prints, what kind would you like, Sir?"

Ron turned to his right and looked at the different options. The smallest size they sold was called [4x6] and seemed to be wide enough for what he had in mind. He decided to pick this one. The shopkeeper calculated on his wrist-com and said: "It's 2 SC per pictures but since you're buying so many, I will give you a discount and make it 1.75 SC per shot. This would amount to a total of 2192.75 SC, Sir"

Ron nodded.

He picked his wrist-com and paid upfront thanks to his savings from work as an engineer. He was someone who liked to spend the less money possible but right now, he wasn't in a stable mental state to think of that.

The shopkeeper told him to come back in two days to get the prints after he downloaded the file. Ron took his wrist-com back and left the shop for another one. It was a general store that sold all kinds of miscellaneous goods. He bought a dozen blank blooks with hard brown covers and left to go back to his dorm room.

He dropped the books there and went out once more. This time, he went to a sport center and paid for the entire day. He was never one to do so. He believed that sport didn't require one to pay to practice, the outside world was big enough for that and free. But today… He wanted to take out his anger somewhere and he could hardly find someone in the streets to beat up. Here, he found a sandbag and he punched it without a care, even far after he had created holes in it mostly thanks to his mechanical arm. Due to that arm, he couldn't even feel relief at beating up the bag. He fell to his knees with more tears flowing down. He quickly swiped them away and left.

There was a fake waterfall in the sports club. He went under it for a time after taking off his clothes and his shower. It strangely calmed him down. He could feel the anger slipping away as his mind returned to stability.

Once he found his bearing back, he left the sports center altogether. It was already deep into the night. And for the first time since arriving on this planet, he didn't want to go home. He didn't want to sleep. He didn't want this day to end as he still could not believe it all.

He found a night club and went in.

That night, he got drunk for the first time as he danced away like a mad man. And then, he woke up the next morning with a heavy headache and an even bigger problem as he didn't recognize where he was at and it clearly wasn't his dorm house.