As Ron picked up the gun, he felt his weight. It was unexpectedly lighter than he expected. Was it because his body had been augmented? He had heard that guns were quite heavy before but it did not seem to be that way. At least, the one in his hand was not hard to move around. Celine quickly stopped him from pointing the muzzle everywhere and harshly criticized him about it. He understood her point. This was not a toy or a gadget. It was something that could kill…no…Something made to kill. He could not mess around with these kinds of things.

He became serious.

Under her instructions and guidance, he aimed at the target ten of meters away and pulled the trigger. A beam of light erupted from the muzzle and went straight forward only to miss the target. Ron frowned. He did try to aim right and thought he did… After that failed attempt, Celine corrected him and he tried again and it continued in such a way until it was time for them to leave. Throughout the day, Ron made a lot of progress. He was still at beginner level but he was now capable of aiming correctly and his stance was good.

As Celine dropped him off in front of the school gates, she told him that they would meet there from now on instead of the training grounds during their shared classes. She planned to take him to the shooting range every time from now on. He was more than happy to agree. She knew her stuff and was willing to teach him for free, why would he reject her good intentions? Of course, she believed that doing so would help herself. Ron was no fool and knew what was on her mind. It was unfortunate that he was going to swallow the benefits but not reciprocate. He would have to fail the year and repeat it and even Celine's good will wouldn't do anything to budge him from this position.

That aside, he had something planned for the night. As such, he ran to his dorm room and prepared himself. He switched outfit after a quick shower and checked all he planned for that date a few more times.

And at the stipulated time, he received a call from Jade. He picked it up and he heard her ask: "I'm at the doors, should I park in or do we need to take the car?"

He smiled. He liked the sound of her voice. It was silly but it was the truth.

He answered her: "Come park in. The spot called PN8956-01 is mine so you can go there"

Since he lived in the dorm, he had a spot reserved for him in the parking lot. A few students had their own cars with some others having drivers. For the others, it was a way for their family to visit them without having to fear for their car to be sent to the car pound or be fined for illicit parking.

Ron told her he would meet her there and left his dorm. He walked at a quick pace without noticing it. As he reached the parking and saw her there, he smiled brightly and waved his arm. She waved back in return and both of them walked towards the other.

As they saw each other, they easily noticed that both of them went to change first before meeting up. Ron found Jade's casual to be particularly stunning. She wore blue jeans and a black hoodie. It was nothing much but she looked very cute in it. He did not hesitate to compliment her. She thanked him while thinking he exaggerated. After all, she only wore casual average clothes this time…

Ron told her that the place wasn't very far from here and they could just walk to it. She was fine with it. She put on sneakers specially because she thought it might end this way. As soon as he began to take the first step, she grabbed onto him. He blushed a bit, not used to this kind of thing, before they went on their ways like that. They walked with one arm enlacing the other through behind, very much couple-like.

Ron wondered if they could be considered so. He wished for it.

It did not take that long to get to the restaurant Ron picked. It was no more than a twenty minute's walk which was, to be fair, not that far. Jade didn't mind either. She had to look twice when he showed her the shop though. To call it a poor place would be too nice. She found it goddamn shady. It looked old and badly maintained. There was not even an in-door room. The tables and chairs were set outside, clearly not because it was hot outside but because there were no other options. She looked at the other customers and noticed that they mostly belonged to the lower class as she expected. People who worked in robot maintenance or worst, customer services… But Ron did not seem to mind and even laughed at her for reacting like she did.

She wondered if she made a funny face… but couldn't stop herself from asking: "Are we really eating here?"

Ron grinned as he answered her: "Trust me, the food here is very good"

She wanted to object but decided to give up and just follow along. If it turned out horrible, she could always go elsewhere with him later. She would be the one to pick the place though. There was a fancy burger place not that far…

Ron gentlemanly helped her take a seat and she couldn't help frowning at the state of the chair. It was such an old piece of furniture that she even wondered if it would break. It did not.

Ron took a seat in front and soon enough, the chef came out wearing a greased, tattered and stained apron. He smiled at Ron as he welcomed him: "If it isn't little Ron! And you brought a friend with you this time, ahah! Tell me, what can I get you two tonight?"

Ron grinned at Jade before replying to the chef: "Uncle Bo, how about one of your specialties?"

The chef laughed as he pat Ron's shoulder twice before turning around and loudly stating: "Coming right up!"