Mystery Boys

In today's society, among

humanity is crimes against

children that are concealed behind walls of smoked mirrors. We lose our love ones every day. When you turn on the news network channel, read controversial articles in the newspapers, and on the social media networks. We hear terrifying news about children either murdered, abducted, or disappeared off the face of the earth. There are roughly 800,000 children that are reported missing each year in the United States. There are 230,302 children of color that were reported missing that are Asians, Black, and Indians in 2019. Many of them became victims of an elite and powerful groups of exploiting children for prostitution, espionage, and cult groups.

         Officer Michael Burns was determined to finish up on what he had started on a case of a missing eleven-year-old African American boy named Timothy Hutson in Chicago Illinois. Michael has worked on the case for 24 years while working for chief Captain Steve Rogers. Micheal is 56-years of-age. He is Caucasian and is born in Wisconsin. He is tall, and has short straight hair. He has a Robert Downey Jr. look to his appearance, and is very appealing to be an older man. Michael was home schooled all his life because he had learning difficulties coping like the other children did. When he was a teenager, he was anxious to find a job, any job in town. For two years it took Michael to find him a decent job, but thanks to Steve Rogers who was a local resident in his area. He was the chief captain of the Madison Police Department in Wisconsin. Steve was in his forties, white and average size, and was very athletic. He used to pass by Michael's family's house sometimes riding his bike. One day passing by Michael's home, Steve decided to stop his bike and noticed Michael was sitting on his porch crying with his head down. 

   "What's wrong my son?" Steve asked, being concerned.

   "I'm okay, " Michael said gesturing his elbows on top his legs.

   "No you not okay,  something is bothering you kid, now what is it?" Steve asked.

   "No one wants to hire me anywhere, I've been trying to find a job for two years, and no one wants to hire me, I think it has something to do with me being a dumb learner, " Michael said degrading himself.

    "How old are you my son?" Steve asked.

     "16," Michael said.

    "Listen my son, I am hearing you speak right now and I don't hear anything that sounds dumb in your speech. You are a smart boy, and sometimes it takes quite awhile to find something you strive for, don't let anyone hold you back, you just got to keep pushing, never give up,  Hey kid, I am willing to offer you a job, " Steve informed.

    "Really?" Michael asked, lifting his head upward and feeling exultant.

    "Of course son, are you into detective works?" Steve asked.

    "I don't know anything about detective work, " Michael said.

    "Well, today, you are going to learn, and you are not doing any actual detective work like my men do at the station. I am offering you a gig handling case files. If you do handle the case files and put them in order for me, I will pay you 20 bucks a week, are you willing? " Steve asked.

   "20 bucks a week? Sure, I'm willing to take anything right now, but I am going to need some help with handling files, " Michael said.

     "Of course you do, I am going to teach you, I'm not going to send you in there alone not being experienced my son, " Steve informed.

     In 1980, Michael was blessed with a full time position working for Steve as a legal file clerk. He worked as a file clerk for 6 years in the Madison Police Department Agency. When Michael turned 21, he had obtained some experience in the police department doing some detective works saving children from their abusers or kids that were missing for months, weeks and even a year. Steve had taught Michael everything about police detective work. It took Michael a while to grasp and understand how detectives operates, but eventually he had caught on, and gained a lot of skill from it. Children missing cases is the only cases they are obligated to do. Steve's men who had been working on missing children cases for a long time was not always successful finding missing children. Steve always had very high hopes for Michael. Michael has a gift for rescuing children. He often completed the mission, and he did not know where that gift came from.

         In 1997, Captain had received a phone call from another police department being asked to work on a big case in Chicago State. Captain Rogers assigned Michael to work on a case of eight missing children who had been kidnapped from their schools walking home or being alone somewhere.

    The eight boys had gone missing for two years. Michael was doing the best that he could to investigate their disappearance, and the Chicago Police Department could not find any leads for the missing victims for three years. When Michael was assigned to the job, he had to live in Chicago until he gets finished with the case. He moved to Hyde Park Boulevard, and he liked the environment. Many people were friendly towards Micheal, when the women passed by him, they would always validate and flirt with Michael because of his handsome charm. Michael was 33-years-of -age at the time, and he was just as handsome as he is today. Michael was not ready to get into a relationship with anyone. He felt that marriage and relationships was not for him because of the type of job he does. He is a full time detective and did not have the time for dates nor commitments. He would go to the local bar sometimes in Hyde Park called "The Pub." If a woman approaches him in the bar, he would give her a small talk. He knew not to hold a long conversation with women because that could lead to him wanting to take them to his house and have s*xual intercourse with them. He did not want that because he knew that  some of the women were looking for a relationship and he did not want that. Michael loved being a detective, and he sure was not going to give up his job because of a woman.

        One night, he was handling some case files in bed, and had realized he had worked all day with it. He decided to go for a night drive around Chicago. He tossed all the papers scattered on his bed to the side.

       "It's time for a break," he said to himself rubbing his eyes.

        He thought since it was after midnight, it would be less traffic and no one would be standing out doors anywhere. He figured it would be a peaceful night for him that he would not have to arrest anyone. He wanted to drive all around town, and ended up in a dangerous environment with thugs, and low lives. The location he was in was on 92th N. Parnell Street Ave. It was a multiracial neighborhood, he happens to notice a boy being tackled in an alley by a group of husky boys. They were all African American males who looked liked teens and preteens. The boy was being thrown by the garbage can. Michael was furious. He grabbed his siren device that was in his car and placed it on the top roof of his vehicle, and turned it on. He had accelerated his vehicle into the alley, and as soon as the boys saw his car coming hearing the sirens. They dashed away. He stopped and got out of his car, and sprinted towards the boy. The boy was bleeding heavily and was unconscious so he called the ambulance. The boy looked like he were a preteen. 10 mins later the ambulance arrived. Michael was very compassionate driving to the hospital to check on the boy. The next day he went back to the hospital and the boy was conscious. Michael knocks on the hospital room door.

      "Hello," he said.

      "Who are you?" The boy asked trying to lean up out of the bed but was struggling.

       "Watch it kid, lay down, lay down, you're not going anywhere just yet, and I'm detective Burns," Michael said helping the boy with his balance in bed.

        "I'm in trouble?" The boy asked.

        "No you're not, I saved you from dying kid, in that alley when those guys that were attacking you," he said.

         "Those were bullies from my school, they mess with me all the time," the boy said.

           "After midnight? What were you doing out so late?" Michael asked.

           "I Was coming from a friends house, we had to do a group project, we worked on it all night and I found myself falling asleep in his room and woke up, so it was 1:00, so I left," the boy said.

       "Okay, I get the picture now, what's your name?"  Michael asked.

        "Timothy," he said.

        "Timothy what?" He asked.

        "Timothy Hutson," the boy said.

    Hi everyone,

I actually wrote this book when I was 17, but for awhile I stopped working on it because I was going through a hard period of bullies and I just decided to write a novel that reflects on my personal feelings. This story is fiction, but it  relates to me so much. I usually turn my books into graphic novels or comic books that I draw, but this is not based on neither. "Mystery Boys: Michael Burns's Blessings" is a Love Mystery novel. I found this old story in a document and my grammar was all over the place and I had to correct it for some days. I have another book that I am working on publishing chapters on  Scary Stories app call "Voodoo In The Hood" please check that out if you have the app. Let me know what you all think about this novel, "Mystery Boys: Michael Burns's Blessing.