Mystery Boys

Timothy really wanted to stay at home longer than two days even though it was going to be his last week of school to prepare for his summer break.

         On April 16, 1997, Timothy Hutson was so eager to get out of school and could not wait until the class ended so he could enjoy his summer break. Timothy frequently wears a polo shirt and jeans to school.

     "Don't think just because you all are about to get a break just to play and have fun. Having fun is great but, it is always fun sometimes to set aside from the active fun-ness and have fun being active in educating your minds by learning and thinking. And even reading some facts and knowledge in the world, and the environments you guys are living in today, which is why you guy's homework assignment is to read through chapters 14-20 in your science books on Living Organisms. When you guys get back from your breaks, we are going to have a discussion about what you learned about reading. And in those chapters, I want you guys to tell me the information you got that relates to you in a way. It can relate to you in a good way or a bad way. It can be something big or something small. But it has to be something relatable to you," Mr. Edger said with a grin on his face.

      Timothy gestures his elbow on his desk being impatient and meditating. "I am not listening nor paying attention to what Mr. Edger said, I don't care, I just wanna go home and do whatever I want. No one can't pick on me for a while, I'm free now. I am glancing at the clock now on the wall waiting on the shorthand to reach 3:15."

    The hand was now at 3:10.

    "Well, since today is the last day of class, I am being nice to let you guys leave early," Mr. Edger said with a smile on his face.

       Everyone made a dash for the door. "Timothy? Can I have a word with you for a minute?" Mr. Edger said.

    "I am so in a rush to leave out of his class, I don't feel like talking to Mr. Edger, " saying to himself.  

     "For what?" Timothy asked, putting his backpack on.

       "I just want to inform you that you did really good on your final project when I had you guys to choose and  draw a portrait of a famous hero you admire. Your drawing ability is really good Timothy. Have you ever considered becoming an artist someday?" Mr. Edger asked kindly.

       "Uhhh… No I haven't, Why?" Timothy asked, holding the two straps on his backpack tightly in distraught.

       "Because I think you should put that into more thought and consideration in getting involved in the art world someday when you grow up. I heard some very serious news about you Timothy from the principal. Timothy, you have the talent and ability. You just have to maintain that gifted passion of yours and never let it go to waste. Predominantly, it is more white artists than black artists these days. I don't know when there will be more African American artists, but it is very hard finding African American artists in the 90s. As a white man, I am fascinated about some African arts. What I am saying is, we need more gifted black artists these days like you Timothy.

      "Thank you, Mr. Edgar, " Timothy said smiling being flattered.

      "You are welcome, Timothy. You can leave now, and have a great summer," Mr. Edger said. 

      "You too," Timothy said ambling towards the door.

      "And remember Timothy, read those chapters," Mr. Edger informed.  

       "Okay, " Timothy said closing his door.

Leaving the school walking home made Timothy feel free. 

      "I am just thinking about what my career goals should be like someday when I'm older. Maybe Mr. Edger was right. Maybe I should put in some thought of becoming a successful artist someday. I want to be the typical artist who paints and draws abstract paintings like having my paintings depicted as animal species transformation into humans." And, maybe someday I can have my drawings and paintings displayed in an art gallery. Oh, maybe I should discuss this topic in class after break. This should be something dealing with animal organisms and human organisms. And it can be relatable to those topics on living organisms in my science book. It is good to have a teacher like Mr. Edger. He is one of my favorites.