Mystery Boys

Mark took his desk and held it up and hurled it across the room. It went towards Maron's direction, and hit his arm.

          "It is alright Mark, calm down Mr. Edger, " said with a shocking look on his face and holds him back. 


        "WHAT DID HE JUST SAY?" D'Angelo said. 

       Mark stands next to Mr. Edger's desk, and tosses all the books and papers lying on his desk. Mr. Edger had to hold D'Angelo back so he would not stir up an outrageous fight between the two.

        They were all terrified and worried about Mark of what he might do next. 


       Timothy quickly darted out of the classroom and shouted,  "IT'S A FIGHT!"  The two guards moved swiftly down the hallway.  

       The two security guards grabbed Mark by the arms and contained him.     

      "THAT'S IT, BOY,  ITS OVER," one of the guards said. 

    " I HATE THIS F*CKIN SCHOOL, " I HOPE THIS SCHOOL BURN IN HELL," Mark said drastically. 

     While Timothy and the others straightened out their desks and cleaned up the messy room with scattered books on the floor. Mr. Edger and principal Robertson were conversing outside in the hallway about Mark. Timothy was so curious to see what were Mr. Edger and principal Robertson was talking about. He hurtled slowly to the door and peeked out the glass shield and heard some shocking and terrible news about Mark.

    "I know Mark is the only white boy who is in this school, and last week was his first week attending and getting adjusted here, but he is responsible for his own actions and he should have known better not to have tossed papers and thrown desks around the classroom. Maron's arm has got injured. 

       "It seems like the innocent children always gets the blame for everything, " Mr. Edger said with his arms folded.

        "Yeah, I know the innocent always gets the blame and sued for every serious issue we have regarding the students, but the innocent are most likely the ones who do more harm than the guilty, " Mr. Robertson said.

        "I don't agree, I don't care about his race, i'm white myself. Kids should treat Mark the same way they treat me in this school. The first week I've gotten to know Mark, he's so far has been a good student who pays attention to all of my lectures and he was doing all of the homework assignments that were given to him. I mean, it seems to me that he's doing better than some of my other students like Maron and D'Angelo. D'Angelo and Maron never do any work I assigned them to finish. All they do in my class is just clown and pick on Mark and Timothy, and that concerns me a lot. When I was in school years ago Mr. Robertson, I used to get teased a lot because of my height for being too short and intelligent. I always had the tendency to join the basketball league, and I only joined the team for a year but I never succeeded in pursuing further because the guys who I thought was my friends deceived me and they told the coach that I was stealing jerseys out of the locker rooms and selling them for drugs. The coach had excluded me from the team and told me I could no longer be apart of their team or any other sport teams that were opened. After that happened, the next day I went to school and there were the same guys who I thought was my best friends walked up to me by my lockers and bullied and harassed me every day ever since. I still think about that today, that is why I do not want my students to go through the same discomforts and frustrations I went through as a child. I want to care for my students, I want to comfort them with any problems they have. I always tell each and every one of my students that if they have any troubles I guarantee that I will assist them through their frustrations, " Mr. Edger said generously.

     "I appreciate you telling me your life story, I fully understand where you are coming from and your generosity of helping your students with their situations but..." Mr. Robertson said.

      "But what?" Mr.Edger said.

 "But we have kids in this present day to worry about. As I said before, I feel that Mark should be the one who should control his anger and take full responsibility for his own actions and he still had no right to have thrown objects around the classroom nor threaten the students that he was going to burn down this school and I think he needs to be punished for that. Which is why I am going to suspend him for a week and notify his parents that he should be evaluated and institutionalized at Rivers Age Hospital for his own safety," Mr. Robertson said seriously.

       "What? You have to be kidding me, why? Mark is not crazy, he just needs some guidance from his teachers and counselors," Mr. Edger said. 

      "This situation is settled Edger,  throwing a desk at another student, and making threats is not normal, case closed, "Mr. Roberbertson said as he walked away. 

        After Timothy heard that bad news about Mark getting suspended and institutionalized. He said to himself that he feel really sorry for Mark and he agrees with Mr. Edger. He did not think he's mental or crazy.

       After that, he scampered quickly to his desk and Mr. Edger walked into the classroom looking very unhappy and concerned.