Chapter 10.


Several hours later a loud growl reverberated throughout the entire beginner village. With a constipated look on my face and squinted eyes, I slowly opened the blinds to look outside the window in my room.

There was a 30 foot Cerberus looking down at the beginner village and wide-eyed heroes everywhere, slack-jawed, unsure of where the mangy mutt popped out from.

It was pretty cute, right? In the sense that it would try to bite your head off if you tried to catch it.

Well, with all these heroes around, they could at least handle a little puppy that's only 30 feet tall, right?

Anyway… that thing... is not my job. I might accidentally kill it if I accidentally hit it which is why I'd rather not get involved. I was asked to find it and return it alive. Naturally, my charm stat also applied to these stupid dogs. Even if these stupid dogs were instinctually aware that I could slaughter them in a single hit, they would still try to bite my head off if I approached them myself.

As I had no plans to get involved, I grabbed a folding chair, set it down by the window, and chose to enjoy a good show. I opened the window and used the window sill as a footrest. Once I was comfortable, I pulled out some potato chips and a cold drink from my inventory to enjoy the scenic view of heroes getting slaughtered outside.

One by one, the heroes snapped out of their stupor and rushed the cute little puppy from all sides.

"Ice bolt!"


"Thunder God's Fury!"

"Decimating Sky, Shattering Earth!"

"Thousand Blades Requiem!"


After dozens of attacks were launched, the Cerberus's health only went down by 10%, but a second later, the Cerberus's health regenerated back to full. Yeah, this stupid mutt could passively regain 10% of its HP every minute. It had stupidly high regen.

It essentially meant the damage output of all these heroes combined couldn't kill it.

The strongest hero in the beginner village, White, who used a thousand blades to attack the Cerberus was flabbergasted when she realized it. The other heroes still hanging around in the beginner village were typically on the weaker end. The strong ones had long departed for higher-level areas in this world. After all, this was a rare world, the denizens of this world were far stronger than in most storylines.

Even veteran heroes struggled here. The storyline was certainly a generic one, but the strength of the monsters in this world made up for that. Though there were a few storylines in other worlds I was aware of with a difficulty level comparable to this one, none of them had a broken S-rank secret boss at the end. I knew of a few that had A-rank secret bosses.

"What the hell is with this level 250 bull! This is freaking impossible! How can a beginner village have an unreasonable monster like this show up anyway? Where's the damn game balance for this world!" White cried out in frustration.

"Mudkipz we need to escape now or we're going to get wiped!" Oi. You can't do that little girl. You're supposed to be heroes, right?

"I can't do that, White! I'm responsible for this quest, if I run, the beginner village will undoubtedly be ravaged by that vile beast." Yeah, yeah. You tell that bitch. Though she is right to be looking at you like you're a dumbass.

"What the hell are you talking about? Are you stupid? This must be a scripted event that leads to triggering the main storyline. That's the only possible explanation as to why something ridiculous like this would show up here. Isn't it obvious we're supposed to escape? It's probably one of those scenarios where the village burns to the ground and we're fueled by revenge, or some broken NPC shows up to fight a scripted battle and then takes us under his wing."

Like hell it is bitch! I'm not budging an inch, nor will I go and take your dumbasses under my wing. Let the village burn to the ground for all I care. At the very least, my house will remain in one piece.

Ah. The bar though. Where will I go to drink away my problems if I let it burn down? Well, I can probably at least make sure it doesn't get burned to the ground in addition to my place.

"Eh? Really? Is that how it works?"


"Even then White, I can't run away here. I'm done with running and seeing people die because I was too weak. I want to overcome the great obstacle that has been presented to me."

My eyes turned into dead fish eyes and my cheeks puffed out as I nearly puked from how corny DH1M was. You know it's a game, right? Well, at least from your perspective that's all it should amount to. It's entirely possible their bodies might have been taken over if they were captured alive and brought to an NPC like me who wanted to mess around in the human world, but you know nothing about that. That was likely the only reason they were captured alive by the Demon General's Orc Liberation Army and not killed.

"Beautiful ideals aren't worth shit here, Mudkipz. Only strength speaks. Without the strength and power to back up that idealistic bullshit of yours they are as good as dirt." You tell him, bitch. Ah. Wait, no no no, I got too caught up in the moment, you have to fight this puppy for me little kiddies.

"I have no choice. I have to try it."

"What are you talking about? Try what?"

"I might have a way to beat that thing. Though I'm only successful 50% of the time." No shit, really? It's about time you use it. One reason I gave you that stupid brick was with this quest in mind.

"You're only level 81 and you think a small fry like you have a way to beat that thing at level 250? Earlier when you attacked with your legendary dragon slayer sword it did shit all for damage and you think you've got something stronger than that?" Well, no shit princess, it's a dragon slayer sword because it's most effective on dragons. Do you have no common sense?

"Seriously, just how stupid are you? I'm level 189, ranked 9th on the national leaderboards, and can't do jack shit to that thing. What do you think a little level 81 noob like you can do to it?"

Eh? She went up a spot on the leaderboards since she came here? I checked the national rankings to double check then started clapping by myself to congratulate her in my quiet little room. Well done white-haired crazy chick, well done. Naturally, no one was around to hear my round of applause.

Done with my little congratulations for her, I picked up a potato chip.


Non. Nom. Nom.


It was pretty decent for a soap opera. I started to get a bit invested in the drama outside the window between the two heroes.

"Even if there is little chance of success, I will believe in my limited abilities, White."

DH1M opened up his inventory and pulled out two bricks. It was the moment I'd long-awaited, the epic climax between dog and human.

The puppy looked down disdainfully at the ant-like hero from above. It let out a loud growl to intimidate him, but the hero did not falter in the slightest.

With a look of resolution to bring the puppy down with him, the hero stood up straight as a rod armed with the two bricks in hand. One in the left, the other in the right. It all came down to the luck of the draw. Whether the enhanced brick was in his attacking hand would be the factor that decided this fight to the death.

The hero took a deep breath in and slowly extended his left hand out.


The puppy let out a loud intimidating growl as if it were telling the little hero to give up before he got really angry at the hero's insolence.

However, there was a sudden change in the Cerberus's attitude when the hero pulled his left hand back and shot forth with his right hand.

"Bre- Eh?"

The Cerberus immediately lowered it's head pitifully and started whimpering with large watery eyes.

The hero suddenly froze in place when he saw the intimidating puppy's change in attitude. He pulled his right hand back, immediately halting his attack.

As soon as the brick in his right hand was pulled back, the puppy regained its confidence and stood up tall like the mighty beast it had been before.


The hero, taken aback, entered his stance again thinking he'd been fooled into letting his guard down by the cunning puppy.

He slowly extended his left hand out again.


The Cerberus was still overconfident and let out another disdainful snarl.

"Bre- Hah? Why?"

"Nnnnnn. Nnnnnnn. Nnnnnnnnn." It started whimpering like a coward again. It was… blatantly terrified of the brick in the hero's right hand.

Hehehehe. Stupid oversized puppy. How do you like the brick I gave that dumbass to deal with you? It's scary, isn't it?