1- Odd happenings

Waking up with a migraine hurts and is annoying for me. Ever since that day I haven't been well. I get sick at the sight of maggots, nose bleeds drink something too hot, and get dizzy if I'm too high up. Why did that happen? Why did it involve my mom out of all people? Why not me?

Why not him?

I got out of bed and put on some work clothes ready for the day. I was called in on an off day because my coworker had been caught up in an accident and would be in the hospital for a few months. I don't mind though, at least I get paid. Collecting my things I head out the door.

Once clocked in my boss called me into his office. He favored me, he'd get me coffee everyday, gave me longer breaks and gave me off days at random. Some of my coworkers call me lucky and some are jealous of the fact that I was favored. He looked pretty attractive with his matte black hair and his brown and grey eyes, but I didn't like him like that.

I followed him in his office and he sat me down. "Sou, you're being promoted." my boss said in a happy and sweet tone. As surprised as I was I responded. "To what position sir?"

"My assistant of course. You have the best performance out of everyone. Our stocks are skyrocketing and it's mostly because of you. Your attendance is perfect as well." Smiling as he said it. I sat there shocked and dumbfounded to what I just heard. I tried to keep calm on the outside but was squealing like a little kid getting a puppy on the inside. Promotions are rare in our department. As calm as I could say it "Thank you sir, when can I start?"

"Next week, make sure you use that 'Paid Time Off' to celebrate." That response gave me such joy. The last time I have even gotten a promotion was 2 years ago. "Also you can get off early today." he added. I was then dismissed and went to my cubicle with a smile on my face. Time passed and 2 pm hit. I clocked out and went to visit my mom.

Once I reached the hospital I was told she had been transferred to a different room due to construction. Some of the hospital rooms had ceilings that were collapsing and some of the patients had to be moved to a different hospital or room. Luckily for her she had been moved to a different room.

"It's room 120 on the third floor to the left as soon as you get off the elevator" The receptionist had said looking at me with a smile. I thanked her and entered the elevator, I had pressed the arrow going up and waited until I heard the ding. The doors opened.

Walking in, I noticed a guy walk in with me. He had black hair with dyed white tips, his eyes was a muted yellow like a lemon in a dim light and he was what it looked like 6'1. But the feeling I felt when he entered caught me off guard, it was unsettling and suffocating. He looked so familiar. In all honesty he kind of scared me but I stayed calm. In the process of pressing my floor I asked "Which floor?" He responded with a dead tone. "The fourth floor please."

Once I reached my floor the ding of the elevator played and the doors opened I walked out not saying anything. As the doors closed I swore I heard him say "You've gotten weak clutz". Before I could turn around the doors shut. I walk down the hallway until I see her door. I entered the room and smiled.

Seeing my mother's face brought me joy.

After speaking with my mom visiting hours were over and it was dark out. I said my goodbyes and left. Taking out my car keys and pressed the button that unlocked the doors as soon as I reached my car. I opened my door and got in, my eyes closed and while holding my head. A migraine had appeared and with it a liquid hit my chest. Looking down I saw blood, I unlocked my glove box and took out napkins and covered my nose.

I took my keys and put them in my car and turned on the air conditioner to cool me down. I sat there for a few minutes until my migraine went away. The car started and I went home. The road was smooth and the night silent. That was until I saw something on the side of the road. It was a lanky figure and dark figure. Ignoring it I continued home. I went strait to bed without changing any clothes. Knowing that I have a few days off, I closed my eyes still with my shoes on and sank into a deep sleep.

I woke up, I was in a empty room with a lamp in the middle illuminating a dim, yellow light. A door was in front of me and was red, a deep one, it looked like the material was of velvet. I got up and opened the door. Darkness, it was was just darkness the only light was from the lamp in the room behind me.

The lamp. It became brighter and the yellow turned a violent red.

I wanted to go back, turning around the door was no longer there. Just pitch darkness.

Knowing I couldn't go back, I turned around.

What I saw should have never existed. There stood a figure. Its face a few inches from mine. It wasn't human, the form of its head was like a deer but its eyes were front facing, the fur wasn't fur. It looked to be tar, tinted a red by the lamp. The smile it had was wide. The only thing not black was it's eyes. The eye held such a violent war in them. It wanted me dead. The more I stared at it the more I noticed. I ran. I wanted to get away as far and fast as possible. I tripped and fell.

Then I woke up.

I sat up, quickly, out of breath. I was still in my day clothes in a daze. I looked at my phone only to find out that it's dead. Sighing I plugged in my charger and turned it on. My curtains were wide open showing the sunrise. With the window open. The sky was a gradient of pinks, reds and oranges. The sun was what put it all together. The star was big and bright, I watched the scenery with my window open letting a breeze in.

Wait, I never opened my window.