Tete-a-Tete with Queen Sariel's Will Part 1

A beautiful Meadow lit brightly by the sun overhead. Flowers of different kinds, lilies, Lilacs, sunflowers, and even roses spread over its terrain. The flowers and grasses swayed to the effect of the wind that blew gently.

A figure lay within the bushes, Her eyes were closed and while she seemed peaceful, the slight purse of her lips suggested otherwise. As though she was offended by the situation she was in.

As the breeze blew over the beautiful lady (For she was beautiful) it seemed to whisper, 

"Wake up Baby girl..."

The moment the sleeping beauty heard the voice, her pursed lips curved into an enchanting smile that lit up her face with joy. A joy that sprung from a fulfilled expectation.

Her eyelids opened to reveal warm browns behind as she sat up in the field and stretched her muscles.

Of course, Melinda did not feel any strain, the stretching was more due to habit rather than ache.