The Cave and the Serpent. Part 2


Doyle had barely a second to leap back and escape the range of the serpent's neck. However, there began the problem.

He had leaped away from the entrance of the cave and could no longer make a quick getaway without going around the Viper.

"Fuck!" He yelled.

The Viper turned towards him and slithered with incredible speed to where he had managed to run to, inside the cave.

The Viper's fangs were long and vicious-looking as they snapped right close to where his leg had once been.

The serpent's tail suddenly swept out from behind and tried tied to swipe him to the ground but Doyle leaped upwards and escaped it.

He was aware that he could not keep avoiding and at some point, he would need to engage but his whole thought process was in the fact that once he engaged there would be no turning back.

But then again, if he did not engage, the Viper would eventually enjoy the taste of him.