I Will Break Away From Destiny!


Marla's fist made contact with Leyton's and he could instantly feel the difference in strength.

Moreover, he could feel that the illusionary dark lady around Marla was far from being a simple mirage.

It had substance!

Leyton gritted his teeth and forced out every single bit of Cosmic Energy out of his body through his punch, creating a kind of combination of Cosmic attack and physical strength.

Against another opponent, this would have been a formidable move, however, his opponent was Marla who was really making use of her physique,

His brilliant attack was rendered next to useless against her.

"Arrgghh" He yelled as he was thrown back by the force.

He closed his eye reflexively from the pain of his wounded fist but when he opened it barely a second later, Marla was nowhere to be found, he instinctively knew she was behind him and despite the pain on his arm, he forced himself to turn.

Big mistake.