The Emissaries.

Fidwud Family Home...

The whole place was tossed into chaos. For some reason, they all felt fear, Fear that made them run helter-skelter. 

And even as they ran, they would suddenly hear a scream as another Plebeian met his or her death.

The guards were trying their best to curb the unrest but that was made even harder by the fact that they could not pinpoint the location of the perpetrators.

"Secure the main gate!"

"They're are no longer there"

"What? Then where the hell are they?"



The guard turned back and saw the head of his fellow guard rolling away from his body. The one standing above the body was someone shrouded in a dark fog that gathered where his hand was supposed to be to form what looked like a scythe, or more accurately, a large curved blade.

The guard was frozen from the fear this being radiated and before he could make a move...

