Interests And Insinuations.

Arya, the elusive alchemist did not stretch her hand out in greeting, merely satisfied with her hands behind her back and a sweet smile on her face.

Seeing as she was so polite in greeting him, Hal decided to return the favor, granted she was in his home and it was courtesy for her to be polite, 

"I wonder what could make me so appealing to you. Besides my incomparably good looks of course" he said with a smile while taking a seat on the luxurious chair that faced the sofa she was on.

Amelia seemed to decide that there was no reason for her to be there and went off to find Marla.

Arya cleared her throat and leaned back on the sofa while folding her hands beneath her breasts and perking them up,

"Now that we are alone, do you mind telling me why you turned down my invitation? I dare say it was quite polite and would have loved if had you taken the time to read it" She said.