Alchemist Nadia and the Ax Wielding, veil wearing Lady.

"Sure why not? This seems like volunteer work where I offer services and get paid. I can live with that" Hal said.

Tanya nodded and Hal thought he saw a look of relief pass over her face as she looked over to the elder before saying, 

"That's good. This..." She pointed at the tall and muscular man " Ehrlich and he will be your supervisor and in charge of telling you what your initiation task will be."

"Initiation task?" Hal asked in a mildly confused expression.

Tanya nodded with a smile, 

"You can call it mission if you wish but yes, initiation. As I said,  I have many other recruits and I need to be sure you are actually capable and for that, you need to perform an initiation task.

On that note, the initiation task is to be done alone and you are not to bring anyone along with you.