Vindictive Bastard.

Ehrlich's face went red with rage immediately and Hal actually thought for a moment that it was because they seemed to have played right into Beldar's hands.


"I am not a Boy!" He yelled.

Hal shook his head, 

"Seriously? That's what upsets you in this situation?" 

Ehrlich ignored him and continued by pointing at Hal and directing his words at Beldar, 

"He's a boy. Not me!".

Beldar shrugged, 

"I really don't care either way." He said and stood from the rock he had been sitting.

He walked towards the duo of Hal and Ehrlich slowly and although Ehrlich was quick to take on a defensive stance, Hal felt there was no need to be so hasty.

After all, Beldar still seemed mostly interested in making small talk.

And sure enough, 

"Don't you want to know how I knew you would come after me?" He asked.

Ehrlich sneered, 

"To quote your own words 'I really don't care either way'" he said.