Chest Piece Armament.

Gavin chuckled, 

"Yes, I suppose it is, but I truly have nothing against you Lady Lucile. Let me just get to Wade and end this."

Lucile shook her head, 

"I'm sorry, that will not be possible. I want him to remain alive" she said.

Gavin looked confused, 

"Why?" He asked and Lucile understood his confusion.

She shrugged and glanced at the Dome which blocked her view of Hal's ordeals with the guards,

"Even I don't know. You see, to get to him, you will have to go through me." She said.

Gavin growled and how eyes looked to be tinged with red as his helmet crept to cover his face completely.

The manner in which he leaned forward and tensed was incredibly feral before he sprung towards Lucile with his large arms raised.

He was still at a reasonable height and not yet a giant so while he was imposing, he was far from being something Lucile would actually be worried about.