She Knows...

Elsa shook her head with a smile, 

"My job description is not to protect you. Watching you is very much on the table by virtue of interpretation.

I can't tell you exactly why I am here though."

If she expected Hal to pester her for answers after what she just said, then she was sorely mistaken as the blue-eyed handsome devil merely nodded with understanding, 

"I understand." Was all he said.

He had his own theories on why Elsa was here and felt it was most likely to source for information to eventually pass on to the one who had hired her.

He had to admit that it caused him to pause and wrack his brain for a reason for this behavior from the Duchess.

After all, she had ignored his existence all this while, why was she actually sending someone to watch him now. What was the big game-changer?

It was then that it clicked in his mind,

'She must now know I can cultivate' he thought.