We Have Some Catching Up To Do.

Hal would have very much loved to remain within his limits as long as he was still in the Dane residence where anyone could see him and possibly get him in trouble with the powerful experts resulting here.

If they wanted to get a lovey-dovey, then it was better they adjourn to the Harem space where they could truly indulge in each other's company.


Melinda could not care less who saw them and wrapped her arms tight about his neck and would not separate from his lips. 

With her being so enthusiastic, there was no way Hal could avoid getting into it as well but decided to muster up all of his self control and push her back...

... to at the very leadst get a good look at her face.

He had to admit that returning to the Dane residence was obviously showing results. It was nothing close to the benefits gotten from the refining of his essence, but it was enough to doll up Melinda's looks.