
That Devon was nicknamed the monster of the Dane family was something Hal had had no knowledge of and while Melinda's tone was aimed at taking it with levity, Hal knew it was actually a big deal and no matter how much she worked to water it down for both his benefit and also to show her father she no longer held him in high regards, it did not change that fact.

Melinda folded her arms beneath her breasts and looked up at her father, 

"What does what you do have to do with anything?" She asked him.

Devon grinned, 

"Well, it just so happens that there's an expedition coming in a few weeks and I think it is both the perfect opportunity as well as the perfect state for your 'Fiance' to actually show me what he's capable of." He said and there was something about his tone that Hal immediately disliked.

That coupled with how sure he was that this would not be a bonding moment made him feel immense trepidation.