Unique Dao. Part 2

"Alright, Alright. Chill, I was only joking.

So Daos are the connotation of self which means to comprehend them, you have to attune with your very being. However, this is actually open to interpretation." Grimoire began at a quick pace.

"How so?" Hal asked.

"Well, only YOU can actually know what you are attuned with. Only YOU know what makes you tick. What makes you, you. As such, you can theoretically choose any Dao that suits you. 

There are no actual rules." Grimoire said.

"If that's the case, shouldn't Dao be fundamentally the same. I mean, there should not be one stronger than the other. It's... Unfair"  Hal was never a defender of fairness.

In fact, as long as all was well with him and those close to him, the world could remain unfair. However, this whole Dao business seemed bogus.

Grimoire however could not really understand Hal's reasoning,