Ordinance Harnessing.

For a few seconds after those 'welcoming' words, there was silence and even without the two saying a word to each other, there was an air of familiarity between them.

Tanya never looked away from her mirror as she brushed her hair that actually needed no grooming.

"I have to tell you, I was a little surprised when my perception picked you up. To what do I owe this... Pleasure?" She asked as she dropped the brush and turned in her chair to look at Elsa with what was clearly a false smile on her face.

"Well, I was in the neighborhood and thought I would drop by and say hello" Elsa said.

Tanya's eyes narrowed, 

"And how exactly did you know I was here? While I am not exactly worried enough to lay out protective runes, I still laid enough to block any form of perception." She said.

Instead of answering, Elsa took a deep breath,