The Council Head. Part 1

Hal had not gone too far away from where Loretta had stood with her family before Grimoire broke the silence in his head, 

'Well well well, color me surprised. Hal, the champion of selfishness was actually selfless for once.'

Hal smirked,

'Well, Grimmy, what can I say? I am nothing if not flexible in my beliefs. Also, for all the selfish things I have done and I will definitely still do, I might as well add a little bit of good.'

Grimoire paused, 

'I have to say, Hal, this does not seem like you.'

Hal smiled lightly, 

'I know. I don't really feel like myself either. It just doesn't feel right. I tell you Grimmy, I feel I have filled my quota of purely unselfish good deeds throughout my entire lifetime. 

From now on, I shall strive to be as selfish and uncaring for the feelings of those who are not close to me as I can possibly be, so help me, Mother'

Grimoire made a gesture of approval, 

'A solemn vow' it said.