The Meeting...

Of course, the plans were more on the long-term scale and involved her gaining a foothold in the military and then gain a level of influence she was sure would prove useful in the long run.

Of course when she had proposed this to Hal, he only reluctantly accepted saying, he hardly thought she needed to do something that was bound to be quite dangerous just so they could gain an influence they could otherwise gain with the proper use of subtlety and espionage.

Eventually, they both settled on the fact that it was not really about any plans but mostly about her getting her pound of flesh.

Whatever influence she would then gain was more of a by-product of all that.

And here was her stupid father attempting to stop all that because of his personal convictions.

Convictions she did not give a shit about.

"I'm going to join. I don't care if I have to leave the Silva Duchy to do so" she said with a frown.

Devon looked her in the eye,