What's So Good About You?

Anton nodded, 

"Well, it can't be helped. If you say she is not your mother, then she is not your mother. But let me give you this advice, those eyes will draw attention to you and not just attention from those who wonder if you are a Doxon... But attention from true Doxons themselves.

Should you ever meet them, I can almost a guarantee an altercation" the Sensual Palace head said and Hal frowned slightly but still smiled,

"Thanks for the advice" 

Noelle however was not willing to let things rest just yet, 

"No, no. I want you to apologize. Apologize for being so casual with the greatest gift of all. The gift of potentially being related to the great Duchess of the Doxon Duchy"

Hal shook his head with a light smile, 

"I won't"