The Way Of The World.

Hal sighed as he felt the question was to be expected and shook his head,

"No, I am not" 

Roxy furrowed his brows, 

"Are you sure?"

"Pretty sure" Hal said and Roxy sighed, 

"I have to say, it's a bit strange to have those eyes and yet not be a Doxon" he said and there was something about the look on his eyes that caused Hal to say, 

"Don't tell me you are some big fan of the family" he said and the Runemaster shook his head, 

"A fan of the family? No I just like the Duchess" he said and Hal resisted the urge to facepalm himself but Roxy was not done, 

"No self-respecting, talent-loving Runemaster would not like the Duchess, so why wouldn't I?"

Hal then asked, 

"Between the Princess and the Duchess, who would you say is more talented in Runemastering?"

Roxy went into deep contemplation,