The Presence Of The Prince.

The Prayers ended and the denizens closest to the Priestess stood from where they had knelt and eyed the Visitors with a whole range of expressions, ranging from pity to scorn.

Pity that they were so ignorant of the power of their Lord.

And scorn because...

"Couldn't you just let us pray in peace, you damn, bigots?" Asked an annoyed city folk who then walked away in anger.

Sean was taken aback but when his eyes turned back to the front, Selina had stepped off the Pedestal and was walking towards their group with three other young men with her.

They were one other than Jack the Ex-commoner, Frank Horst, and Alexander Edgar.

With the grown-ups not ready to allow them to take part in their plans on account that their cultivation was still relatively low and they were not yet 'experienced' enough, Frank and Alexander had decided to join up with Selina and become full-time members of the cult.