The One To Seduce.

While this man's words meant the princess had neglected to mention certain things to him, such as the fact that this was the busiest location in the Haron continent or the fact that there was a waiting list, Hal still felt the reason she had not made mention of it was that she expected had her seal to get him in, no problem.

It was either this or she had not known of the situation in the Dreg Duchy capital but that was impossible given the research she must have done as well as the fact, that he was almost certainly sure she had been to all the Duchys on the Haron continent. Being an active member of the Imperial family as she was.

After all, she could not possibly sit in the palace and expect assistance to simply come to her. Occasionally she needed to step out and get that assistance by herself and for herself.

Anyway, since it was impossible she had not known, then she must have indeed thought her seal would be enough which Hal felt was... Stupid.